Contacts for Webinar and CMNA, ECMS Equipment
In the past, Meraki offered free Meraki equipment for attending live webinars that came with licensing renewals for compliant organizations. Past attendees are still eligible for these licensing renewals. Cisco Meraki is no longer offering new attendees a free hardware device and accompanying software license as part of attending a webinar. If you are interested in a free trial of Cisco Meraki products, please visit:
Auto Renewal
The CMNA/CMNO/ECMS program renews licenses automatically for compliant organizations who previously received hardware. If the organization does not meet the requirements for auto renewal, the license will not be renewed.
- For questions about our live webinars, please email
- For more information and answers to frequently asked questions related to ECMS1 or ECMS2, please refer to ECMS1 FAQ and ECMS2 FAQ.
- For questions regarding CMNA promo license renewals, refer to the CMNA FAQ and the section titled 'Promotional Items and License Renewals'. You will need to first sign into the Meraki Community using your Cisco ID (CCO account) to view this page.
- For failed auto-renewal situations, please raise an email case with Licensing Support for investigation. Ensure that the product/related to section is set as "Licensing Issue".