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Cisco Meraki Documentation

Flashing lights on a Cisco Meraki 802.3af Power Over Ethernet Injector

A Cisco Meraki 802.3af Power Over Ethernet Injector will flash its link and fault lights if it is unable to correctly power the device plugged into the "Out" port.



  • Device running to the "Out" port of the PoE does not accept PoE
  • Damaged cable
  • Different power requirements
  • Improperly seated cables
  • Power source is not providing enough power to the PoE injector
  • Malfunctioning Device


  • Ensure device plugged into the "Out" port of the PoE accepts PoE
  • Check cabling
  • Check cable seating
  • Ensure that the "In" port of the PoE runs to your internet connection, and the "Out" port runs to the Meraki device
  • Ensure your power outlet is supplying adequate voltage
All these situations can be fixed with some very quick troubleshooting, however, if the fault light is not flashing and is instead solid red, the POE Injector will likely not function again.
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