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Cisco Meraki Documentation

Wind Rating of Cisco Meraki Access Points

Environmental conditions can have an effect on the way wireless access points behave. In addition to temperature, precipitation, RFI (Radio Frequency Interference) and building materials, wind can also play a factor. High wind can cause the antennas on these units to be displaced on the receiving end, transmitting end, or both. This can affect a point to point link or wireless associations. Another risk that could occur is the antenna vibrating or the AP breaking off its structural mount. Be sure to consider the impact of wind when conducting your wireless site survey, and always securely mount access points.


Please see below to see the following MR Models and their Wind Rating:

Cisco Meraki MR58, MR62 and MR66 Wind Rated for 120mph wind gusts
Cisco Meraki MR70, MR76, MR86 Wind Rated for 100mph wind gusts
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