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Cisco Meraki Documentation

Syslog Event Types and Log Samples


This article provides a list of most common syslog event types, description of each event, and a sample output of each log.



Meraki MX Security Appliance


Event type Description Sample Syslog Message
events (Auto VPN) vpn connectivity change 1380664922.583851938 MX84 events type=vpn_connectivity_change vpn_type='site-to-site' peer_contact='' peer_ident='2814ee002c075181bb1b7478ee073860' connectivity='false'
events (Auto VPN) vpn connectivity change 1380664994.337961231 MX84 events type=vpn_connectivity_change vpn_type='site-to-site' peer_contact='' peer_ident='2814ee002c075181bb1b7478ee073860' connectivity='true'
events uplink connectivity change Dec 6 08:46:12 1 1386337584.254756845 MX84 events Cellular connection down
events uplink connectivity change Dec 6 08:45:24 1 1386337535.803931423 MX84 events failover to wan1
events uplink connectivity change Dec 6 08:43:43 1 1386337435.108107268 MX84 events failover to cellular
events uplink connectivity change Dec 6 08:41:44 1 1386337316.207232138 MX84 events Cellular connection up
events dhcp no offers Sep 11 16:12:41 1 1599865961.535491111 MX84 events dhcp no offers for mac A4:83:E7:XX:XX:XX host =
events dhcp lease Sep 11 16:05:15 1 1599865515.687171503 MX84 events dhcp lease of ip from server mac E0:CB:BC:0F:XX:XX for client mac 8C:16:45:XX:XX:XX from router on subnet with dns,
urls HTTP GET requests 1374543213.342705328 MX84 urls src= dst= mac=58:1F:AA:CE:61:F2 request: GET https://...
flows (deprecated, this has been updated in MX18.101 and newer to "firewall")  L3 FW rule matched 1374543986.038687615 MX84 flows src= dst= mac=58:1F:AA:CE:61:F2 protocol=udp sport=55719 dport=53 pattern: allow all




L3 FW rule matched 1374543986.038687615 MX84 firewall src= dst= mac=58:1F:AA:CE:61:F2 protocol=udp sport=55719 dport=53 pattern: allow all
ids-alerts ids signature matched

1377449842.514782056 MX84 ids-alerts signature=129:4:1 priority=3 timestamp=1377449842.512569 direction=ingress protocol=tcp/ip src=

ids-alerts ids signature matched 1377448470.246576346 MX84 ids-alerts signature=119:15:1 priority=2 timestamp=1377448470.238064 direction=egress protocol=tcp/ip src=
security_event ids_alerted ids signature matched

signature=1:28423:1 priority=1 timestamp=1468531589.810079
dhost=98:5A:EB:E1:81:2F direction=ingress protocol=tcp/ip src=
dst= decision=blocked action=rst message: EXPLOIT-KIT Multiple exploit kit single digit exe detection

security_event security_filtering_file_scanned Malicious file blocked by amp url= src=
dst= mac=98:5A:EB:E1:81:2F
disposition=malicious action=block
security_event security_filtering_disposition_change File issued retrospective malicious disposition

disposition=malicious action=allow

events (post MX 15.12) Establishing Phase 1 (IKE_SA) tunnel VPN: <remote-peer-2|12> IKE_SA remote-peer-2[12] established between[]...[]
events (post MX 15.12) Establishing Phase 2 (Child_SA) tunnel VPN: <remote-peer-2|12> CHILD_SA net-2{1478} established with SPIs cd94e190(inbound) c2b06071(outbound) and TS ===
events (post MX 15.12) Destroying Phase 1 (IKE_SA) tunnel VPN: <remote-peer-2|12> deleting IKE_SA remote-peer-2[12] between[]...[]
events (post MX 15.12) Destroying Phase 2 (Child_SA) tunnel VPN: <remote-peer-2|12> closing CHILD_SA net-2{1478} with SPIs cd94e190(inbound) (0 bytes) c2b06071(outbound) (0 bytes) and TS ===
events AnyConnect VPN general (various msgs) 1720051390.733639600 labs_appliance events type=anyconnect_vpn_general msg= 'AnyConnect server is started. '
events AnyConnect VPN authentication success 1720045578.339796505 labs_appliance events type=anyconnect_vpn_auth_success msg= 'Peer IP= Peer port=57096 AAA[7]: AAA authentication successful '
events AnyConnect VPN authentication failure 1720051237.124589040 labs_appliance events type=anyconnect_vpn_auth_failure msg= 'Peer IP= port[8748] AAA[8]: AAA authenticate failed retval=7 - Authentication failure '
events AnyConnect VPN session manager (various msgs) 1720045578.340434385 labs_appliance  events type=anyconnect_vpn_session_manager msg= 'Sess-ID[7] Peer IP= User[]: Session connected. Session Type: TLS '
events AnyConnect VPN Connect 1720045578.495767745 labs_appliance events anyconnect_vpn_connect user id '' local ip connected from
events AnyConnect VPN Disconnect 1720045578.515109505 labs_appliance events anyconnect_vpn_disconnect user id '' local ip connected from
events (pre MX 15.12) purging ISAKMP-SA 1578424543.894083034 labs_appliance events Site-to-site VPN: purging ISAKMP-SA spi=9d1bb66d7ddc5cf0:d98cd0ed59e82f13
events (pre MX 15.12) ISAKMP-SA deleted 1578424543.918665436 labs_appliance events Site-to-site VPN: ISAKMP-SA deleted[4500]-[4500] spi:9d1bb66d7ddc5cf0:d98cd0ed59e82f13
events (pre MX 15.12) IPsec-SA request queued due to no phase 1 found 1578424549.917669303 labs_appliance events Site-to-site VPN: IPsec-SA request for queued due to no phase1 found
events (pre MX 15.12) failed to get sainfo 1578426208.829677788 labs_Z1 events Site-to-site VPN: failed to get sainfo
events (pre MX 15.12) failed to pre-process ph2 packet 1578426208.915091184 labs_Z1 events Site-to-site VPN: failed to pre-process ph2 packet (side: 1, status: 1)
events (pre MX 15.12) phase2 negotiation failed due to time up waiting for phase1 1578424408.321445408 labs_appliance events Site-to-site VPN: phase2 negotiation failed due to time up waiting for phase1. ESP[0]->[0]
events (pre MX 15.12) initiate new phase 1 negotiation 1578424549.931720602 labs_appliance events Site-to-site VPN: initiate new phase 1 negotiation:[500]<=>[500]
events (pre MX 15.12) ISAKMP-SA established 1578424550.965202127 labs_appliance events Site-to-site VPN: ISAKMP-SA established[4500]-[4500] spi:fb903f191f1c7566:4dc90bd31c7884c1
events (pre MX 15.12) initiate new phase 2 negotiation 1578424550.975495647 labs_appliance events Site-to-site VPN: initiate new phase 2 negotiation:[4500]<=>[4500]
events (pre MX 15.12) IPsec-SA established 1578424551.120459981 labs_appliance events Site-to-site VPN: IPsec-SA established: ESP/Tunnel[4500]->[4500] spi=241280704(0xe61a6c0)

The priority score is based on Snort values. The priorities are as follows:

1 - high priority alert
2 - medium priority alert
3 - low priority alert
4 - very low priority alert

 Some values under the Sample Syslog Message are variables (i.e. hostname of the devices, timestamps, etc.) and will be different to Syslog messages generated by another device.

For the urls event type, the URL in the request part of the message will be truncated at 500 characters.

Content filtering events are sent to Syslog. The ‘URLs’ role has to be added to the Syslog server config for them to be sent.

Meraki MS Switches  

Event type Description Sample Syslog Message
events port status change 1379967288.409907239 MS220_8P events port 3 status changed from 100fdx to down
events port status change 1379967295.290863061 MS220_8P events port 3 status changed from down to 100fdx
events spanning-tree guard state change 1379970281.577982192 MS220_8P events Port 5 received an STP BPDU from 78:FE:3D:90:7F:43 so the port was blocked
events spanning-tree interface role change 1379970476.195563376 MS220_8P events Port 5 changed STP role from designated to alternate
events spanning-tree interface role change 1379969188.448725072 MS220_8P events Port 1 changed STP role from root to designated
events spanning-tree interface role change 1379970772.184373058 MS220_8P events Port 5 changed STP role from alternate to root
events spanning-tree interface role change 1379972501.619445657 MS220_8P events Port 1 changed STP role from disabled to designated
events blocked DHCP server response 1379988354.643337272 MS220_8P events Blocked DHCP server response from 78:FE:3D:90:7F:48 on VLAN 100
events 802.1X deauthentication 1380653487.002002676 MS220_8P events type=8021x_deauth port='' identity=''
events 802.1X eap success 1380653443.857790533 MS220_8P events type=8021x_eap_success port='' identity=''
events 802.1X authentication 1380653443.868786613 MS220_8P events type=8021x_auth port='3' identity=''
events 802.1X client deauthentication 1380653486.994003049 MS220_8P events type=8021x_client_deauth port='3' identity=''
events Virtual router collision 1379988354.643337272 MS320_24P events Received VRRP packet for virtual router 1 from a.a.a.a on VLAN x with incompatible configuration
events VRRP transition 1379988354.643337272 MS320_24P events changed from VRRP passive to VRRP active because it has not received packets from the active
events Power supply inserted 1379988354.643337272 MS320_24P events Power supply xxxx-xxxx-xxxx was inserted into slot 1
events OSPF future enhancement
events DHCP Server future enhancement

Meraki MR Access Points  

Event type Event description Sample Syslog Message
events 802.11 association 1380653443.857790533 MR18 events type=association radio='0' vap='1' channel='6' rssi='23' aid='1813578850'
events 802.11 disassociation 1380653443.857790533 MR18 events type=disassociation radio='0' vap='1' channel='6' reason='8' instigator='2' duration='11979.728000' auth_neg_dur='1380653443.85779053324000' last_auth_ago='5.074000' is_wpa='1' full_conn='1.597000' ip_resp='1.597000' ip_src='' arp_resp='1.265000' arp_src='' dns_server='' dns_req_rtt='1380653443.85779053335000' dns_resp='1.316000' aid='1813578850'
events WPA authentication 1380653443.857790533 MR18 events type=wpa_auth radio='0' vap='1' aid='1813578850'
events WPA deauthentication 1380653443.857790533 MR18 events type=wpa_deauth radio='0' vap='1' aid='1813578850'
events WPA failed authentication attempt 1380653443.857790533 MR18 events type=disassociation radio='0' vap='3' channel='6' reason='2' instigator='3' duration='6.003000' auth_neg_failed='1' is_wpa='1' aid='113930199'
events 802.1X failed authentication attempt 1380653443.857790533 MR18 events type=8021x_eap_failure radio='0' vap='3' identity='' aid='1701992265'
events 802.1X deauthentication 1380653443.857790533 MR18 events type=8021x_deauth radio='0' vap='3' identity='' aid='1701992265'
events 802.1X authentication 1380653443.857790533 MR18 events type=8021x_eap_success radio='0' vap='3' identity='' aid='1849280097'
events splash authentication 1380653443.857790533 MR18 events type=splash_auth ip=' [More Information] ' duration='3600' vap='2' download='5242880bps' upload='5242880bps'
events wireless packet flood detected 1380653443.857790533 MR18 events type=device_packet_flood packet='deauth' device='00:18:0A:27:43:80' radio='0' state='start' alarm_id='4' dos_count='25' inter_arrival='10000'
events wireless packet flood end 1380653443.857790533 MR18 events type=device_packet_flood radio='0' state='end' alarm_id='4' reason='left_channel'
events rogue SSID detected* airmarshal_events type= rogue_ssid_detected ssid='' bssid='02:18:5A:AE:56:00' src='02:18:5A:AE:56:00' dst='02:18:6A:13:09:D0' wired_mac='00:18:0A:AE:56:00' vlan_id='0' channel='157' rssi='21' fc_type='0' fc_subtype='5'
  SSID spoofing detected* airmarshal_events type= ssid_spoofing_detected ssid='t-nebojsa_devel1' vap='2' bssid='02:18:5A:14:04:E2' src='02:18:5A:14:04:E2' dst='FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF' channel='48' rssi='39' fc_type='0' fc_subtype='8'
urls** HTTP GET requests Dec 6 08:46:12 1 1386337584.254756845 MX84 events Cellular connection down1380653443.857790533 MR18 urls src= dst= mac=F8:1E:DF:E2:EF:F1 request: UNKNOWN
flows flow allowed by Layer 3 firewall 1380653443.857790533 MR18 flows allow src= dst= mac=F8:1E:DF:E2:EF:F1 protocol=tcp sport=54252 dport=80
flows flow denied by Layer 3 firewall 1380653443.857790533 MR18 flows deny src= dst= mac=00:F4:B9:78:58:01 protocol=tcp sport=52421 dport=80


* rogue_ssid_detected and ssid_spoofing_detected have been removed in MR29+  firmware


**urls request: UNKNOWN is likely because the URL is encrypted 
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