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Cisco Meraki Documentation

Enabling, Disabling, and Changing SSID Names

The basic properties of a Cisco Meraki wireless network, such as network name and SSID name, can be updated from Dashboard on the SSID page. This can be beneficial if you want to create additional SSIDs for separate departments or you want to update the current SSID you are using.  

To configure or update the name of an SSID, navigate to Wireless > Configure > SSIDs.

To enable or disable the SSID:

  1. Make a selection in the Enable drop-down menu.
  2. Click Save Changes.

Enable SSID.png

To change the name of the SSID:

  1. Click on the rename button.
  2. Enter the new name.
  3. Click Save Changes.

Note that this change will require all of your wireless clients to re-associate with the SSID.   

Rename SSID_new.png


The bandwidth limit displayed in the Wireless > Configure > SSIDs overview page is the per-client limit and not the per-SSID limit.

The client blocked from using LAN configuration is found under Wireless > Configure > Firewall & traffic shaping.


SSID Naming Conventions

As per the 802.11 standards (such as 802.11-2020 Section SSID Element), the SSID name may be any alphanumeric, case-sensitive text entry from two up to 32 characters.  While every deployment will vary, Cisco Meraki recommends SSID names that are reasonably short but descriptive. 

Spaces are allowed in an SSID name (except as the first or last character) however spaces in the SSID name tend to cause issues or confusion and are generally avoided in favor of hyphens or underscore characters.  For example the Ikarem widget company might use SSID names such as Ikarem-Employee, Ikarem-BYOD and Ikarem-Guest.  While other special punctuation characters may be used, they are generally avoided in practice, but may be used with discretion if required.

Note: In certain cases, customers may prefer to assign more cryptic SSID names in order to mask their purpose or prevent abuse for example.  This is also acceptable with the caveat that proper user training or guest messaging is in place to avoid confusion.  In addition, while there is always the option to turn off SSID broadcast (using the "Hide SSID" checkbox on the Wireless > Configure > Access Control page), keep in mind that hiding the SSID is not meant to be a security mechanism.  Follow the link below for additional information on hidden SSIDs. 

Please use the following links for help with configuring other aspects of your SSID:

Using SSID Availability

Hidden SSIDs

Wireless Encryption and Authentication Overview

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