MT Reports
The Sensors > Reports section provides an at-a-glance view of alerts and sensor states over a defined weekly duration. Under this section, summary cards and overview charts provide insight on per-metric alert counts, along with samples of those alert states from a given sensor.
Summary Cards
The summary cards provide an overview of per-metric threshold alert counts, over the duration of the selected weekly period. Each card also provides a percentage comparison of alerts from the week prior, highlighted in a green, yellow or red color to indicate the magnitude of change. This section is dynamically populated from the sensor types present in the network.
Depending on the time period selected, the title will display either Most Recent Report or Previous Report.
Combined Overview Chart
The combined overview chart displays an aggregate of alert counts over a two-week period, against each sensor type in the network.
Summary Chart by Sensor Type
These charts display historical statistics against two randomly selected sensors of each type in the network. The Strictest Threshold measurement is defined by the selected alert profile for that sensor.