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Cisco Meraki Documentation

Exports Page and Combining Exports

The new exports page provides you visibility into all the exports within your network. From this page, you can also now combine exports and provide a single playable file for entire incidents.

Exports Page


Screenshot 2024-07-03 at 12.34.49 PM.png 

Vision Portal

Screenshot 2024-07-03 at 12.35.59 PM.png



On this one page, you can now see all exports generated within your network along with the following details:

  • Camera: which camera was the export taken from
  • Type: either a single export, or multiple - see below section

  • User: who created the export

  • Created: when this was created

  • Scheduled:  when this was scheduled for, if scheduled

  • Selected times: time ranges of exported video

  • Status: status of the export - if pending, completed, canceled, etc


Similar to when viewing exports on a single camera’s page, you can select the export and download, copy link to clipboard, calculate checksum or delete the export.


Screenshot 2024-07-03 at 12.40.57 PM.png

Vision Portal

Screenshot 2024-07-03 at 12.39.24 PM.png


Date Filter and Text Search

You should be able to filter and find exports created within a timeframe. Additionally, you can search through text to find the right camera/s by name, or find the right combined export by filename. 

On Dashboard

Screenshot 2024-07-03 at 11.42.42 AM.png

On Vision Portal

Screenshot 2024-07-03 at 11.45.02 AM.png

Combining Exports

Note: The current minimum time allowed for a single export is 5 seconds and maximum time allowed for a single export is 12 hours. Video exports are trimmed to the requested size with no buffer. If an invalid time range is selected, the export will automatically default back to 30 seconds to provide a valid export. The download link for an export is good for one hour at time of page load. Refreshing the dashboard page generates a new download link. 

Use Case

Sometimes when investigating incidents you will want to create an entire “story” by stitching together multiple pieces of video evidence on multiple cameras.

For example, for evidence of a theft it is required to have footage of the suspect entering the store, grabbing the items, and leaving without paying. 


Screen Shot 2020-06-11 at 11.56.53 AM.png


To help with this, you can now also combine single exports by clicking on the “Combine Selected Exports” button on Dashboard OR "Combine Exports" button on Vision Portal, and rearranging the exports in the order in which you want them combined. 


Screenshot 2024-07-03 at 12.09.00 PM.png


Vision Portal

Screenshot 2024-07-03 at 12.09.30 PM.png



  1. Use the checkboxes on the left to select the exports you want to combine

  2. Select Combine Selected Exports(Dashboard) or Combine Exports(Vision)

  3. Add an optional filename


dash-bikeroom-combine.gif vision-bikeroom-combine.gif


  1. Rearrange the exports in the order you want them combined by dragging and dropping

  2. Select Submit/Combine

  3. You will see the combined export as a new line item in the table

  4. Monitor the status on the Status column. Wait for it to complete


If you do not see your combined exports, sort by the Created column


Screen Shot 2020-06-11 at 11.52.52 AM.png

Screenshot 2024-07-03 at 12.28.48 PM.png


  1. From here, feel free to download, share - just like any other export! 


Here's an example of a combined export. It is fast-forwarded using the timeline on to save time. 


2020-06-11 12.00.45.gif



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