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Cisco Meraki Documentation

Downloading Secure Client for Cisco Software Central


From the Cisco Secure Connect Dashboard, you can download the latest version of Cisco Secure Client for Microsoft Windows and Apple macOS operating systems. If you need Secure Client for Linux or another operating system, or if you need an older version of Secure Client for compatibility reasons, you will need to obtain it from Cisco Software Central.

Software Central is Cisco's primary online site for activating and managing non-SaaS Cisco software licenses. Your Secure Connect provides you with a software support license that enables you to download the client from Cisco Software Central. 

Downloading Secure Client from Software Central

Access Software Central

  1. To log into the Cisco Software Central download page: (You will need an account on  If you don’t have an account, click here for help setting up an account.)
  2. Click on “Access downloads”.

SC Doc SW Central Home Page with Border.png


  1. Search for “Secure Client” or click on “Secure Client if it is in the “Popular Downloads” tile.

SC Docs SW Central Download Page with Border - Cropped.png

Finding the Correct Secure Client Version

Searching for "Secure Client" should bring up a long list of options for the latest software version. In most cases, you will want to choose a "Pre-Deployment" option. Pre-Deployment is for new installations and upgrades that are done either by the end user, or by using an enterprise software management system (SMS). If you need to download an older software version for compatibility reasons, from the left menu, select the desired software version. Click on the download icon (downward arrow above a line) on the right software of the selected file to download.

SC Docs SW Central Secure Client Search results.png

Smart Accounts (Highly Recommended)

By default, the license is assigned to the contact provided when the Secure Connect order was placed. If multiple individuals from your organization require access to Software Central, you can establish a Smart Account. Smart Accounts allow you to monitor and manage specific types of Cisco software licenses. While not necessary for Secure Connect, it may be necessary if you currently have or plan to purchase other Cisco products that utilize Smart Licensing. Smart Accounts also enable multiple users with the same email domain name to access the Smart Account.

Creating a Smart Account

Please consult the following guide to assist you in setting up and managing a Smart Account.

Requesting Access to an existing Smart Account

To request access to an existing Smart Account in your organization, please go to the document above and scroll down to the section, “Request Access to an Existing Smart Account”.

Smart Account Support

For Smart Account support, please open case online using Support Case Manager (SCM) at:

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