Meraki Dashboard Catalyst Wireless - What's New
Meraki Dashboard Catalyst Wireless - What's New
December 2024
- Meraki dashboard for Catalyst Wireless public early access/beta has ended and is now General Availability!
October 2024
- Wireless Controller Dashboard APIs
- Cloud CLI for show commands
- Multi-controller dashboard Networks
- C9800 controller and AP Uptime
- AP List updates
- View basic information of access points joined to C9800 controllers that are not supported in dashboard
- 1800/2700/3700 Series Access Points
- Client Roaming and Timeline
- C9800 controller ports CDP, usage and stats
- Organization wide support for controllers and access points
- Overview and Summary Report
- Network wide Topology for C9800 controllers and access points
Wireless Controller Dashboard APIs
- List connectivity data of wireless LAN controllers in an organization
- List wireless client counts of wireless LAN controllers over time in an organization
- List all access points associated with wireless LAN controllers in an organization
- List wireless LAN controller layer 2 interfaces in an organization
- List wireless LAN controller layer 2 interfaces history status in an organization
- List wireless LAN controller layer 2 interfaces history usage in an organization
- List wireless LAN controller layer 3 interfaces in an organization
- List wireless LAN controller layer 3 interfaces history status in an organization
- List wireless LAN controller layer 3 interfaces history usage in an organization
- Retrieve the packet counters for the interfaces of a Wireless LAN controller
- Retrieve the traffic for the interfaces of a Wireless LAN controller
- List the failover events of wireless LAN controllers in an organization
- List redundancy details of wireless LAN controllers in an organization
CLI Terminal for Show Commands
Wireless LAN Controller > Tools > Terminal Console
Wireless Controllers dashboard Networks
Removed the restriction where only one C9800 controller can be added to a network. Dashboard administrators can now add multiple cloud connected controllers to dashboard networks. Wireless controller dashboard scale requirements still apply - Wireless Controller Dashboard Scale
Wireless Controllers Uptime
On the wireless controller page you can now see how by D:H:M the C9800s uptime as well as the time of its last reload.
Access Point Uptime
On access point pages you can now see how by D:H:M the AP uptime as well as the time of its last reload. Additional for access points you can see how long the access point has been joined to its current wireless controller.
Wireless Controller APs
Wireless LAN Controller > APs
This list now lists ALL access points joined to the wireless controller even if the access point hardware is not supported to be monitored in dashboard. This includes the 1800/2700/3700 series. A new list column Cloud monitoring support can be added to the view to see if an ap is Supported or Unsupported. You can now view the following details about these access points.
- AP name
- mac address
- IP
- Model
- RF, Site, Policy tag configuration
- Catalyst serial number
Client Roaming Analytics
Network-wide> Clients
Clients connected to cloud connected controller and access points are now supported in dashboard client roaming analytics. Client Roaming Analytics
Client Timeline
Network-wide> Clients
Clients connected to cloud connected controller and access points are now supported in dashboard client timeline history
Wireless Controller Ports Updates
- Port-channel membership
Hover over port in the panel to view the port-channel/aggregation information.
- Detailed per-port CDP neighbor info
Select a port from the panel to see individual port detail
- Detailed per-port Historical Usage info
Select a port from the panel to see individual port detail
- Per-port traffic statistics
Select a port from the panel to see individual port traffic statistics
Wireless LAN Controller > Ports
- CDP neighbor name/port in layer 2 interface list
- Historical port usage
Organization Views
Organization -> Monitoring -> Summary
- Summary page includes wireless controllers and access points
Organization -> Monitor -> Summary Report
- •Summary Report data for wireless controllers and access points
Network Topology
Network-wide -> Monitor -> Topology
View C9800 wireless controller and access points in network-wide topology (supports L2-link layer only).