Cloud Monitoring Detailed Device Configurations
This guide is for Cloud Monitoring for Catalyst Switches. See Cloud Monitoring Catalyst 9800 Dashboard Provisioned Configurations for detailed information on configurations applied to Catalyst 9800 wireless controllers.
Configurations Applied by Onboarding Application
When running the local onboarding application, configurations are pushed to the device to allow the device establish communication with the cloud. To perform these actions the onboarding application will connect to the device(es) over SSH.
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System Services
IP routing is required for NETCONF and Telemetry streaming to function on Catalyst devices and is part of the device configuration pre-check process.
Enable LLDP for Dashboard Network Topology.
lldp run
Configure SSH v2 with publickey authentication for cloud authentication.
ip ssh version 2
ip ssh server algorithm authentication publickey password keyboard
Secure Cloud Access
Configure a Null static IP route for destination cloud IP address to prevent traffic that should be in the tunnel from falling back to default route when the tunnel is down.
ip route <cloud ip address> Null 0
Create local authentication group for Dashboard device access for SSH CLI and NETCONF through the TLS tunnel.
aaa authentication login MERAKI local
aaa authorization exec MERAKI local
Create ACL for cloud ingress VTY access via SSH and allow only port 2222 for SSH.
ip access-list extended MERAKI_VTY_IN
10 permit tcp host <cloud ip address> any eq 2222
20 deny tcp any any
Create ACL for cloud telemetry egress. Allow only port 2022 for SFTP to the cloud.
ip access-list extended MERAKI_VTY_OUT
10 permit tcp any host <cloud ip address> eq 2022
20 deny tcp any any
Configure a SSH rotary for the Dashboard VTY lines to listen on port 2222 for Dashboard initiated SSH sessions.
ip ssh port 2222 rotary 50
Create 4 VTY lines dedicated to device access from Dashboard and enable SSH to those VTY lines. Use the ACL and AAA groups configured to secure Dashboard connections.
line vty 32 35
access-class MERAKI_VTY_IN in
access-class MERAKI_VTY_OUT out
authorization exec MERAKI
login authentication MERAKI
rotary 50
transport input ssh
Local User for Cloud Access
Configure a local Meraki user with SSH Keys for SSH and NETCONF access from Dashboard over the encrypted TLS tunnel.
username meraki-user privilege 15 secret 9 < unique hashed secret password >
ip ssh pubkey-chain
username meraki-user
key-string <string>
TLS Tunnel
Import the Dashboard TLS tunnel endpoint certificate authority for SSL certificate verification.
crypto pki trustpoint MERAKI_TLSGW_CA
enrollment terminal
crypto pki authenticate MERAKI_TLSGW_CA
View the certificate details of the TLS Root Certificate Authority here.
Configure a trustpoint for SSL verification of the Dashboard TLS tunnel endpoint.
crypto pki trustpoint MERAKI_TLSGW_CA
enrollment url flash:// MERAKI_TLSGW_CA
revocation-check none
Create a Loopback interface for the crypto TLS tunnel overlay connection.
interface Loopback1000
description Meraki TLS Connection
ip address <cloud assigned local device ip address>
Configure the TLS tunnel for Cloud Connectivity to Dashboard. Selecting the local source interface based on the current next-hop interface of the default route.
crypto tls-tunnel MERAKI-PRIMARY
server url <cloud tls tunnel fully qualified DNS hostname> port 443
overlay interface Loopback1000
local-interface <source interface> priority 1
pki trustpoint CISCO_IDEVID_SUDI sign
pki trustpoint MERAKI_TLSGW_CA verify
no shut
Additional Telemetry Configuration Applied by Dashboard
Once the Catalyst device is securely connected the Cisco cloud infrastructure, additional configuration to support cloud monitoring functions will be managed by Meraki dashboard and communicated to the device through the secure tunnel. The following are the additional configuration that may be sent to the device.
Add Dashboard as an SNMP server to receive traps from the device.
snmp-server enable traps smart-license
snmp-server enable traps config-copy
snmp-server enable traps config
snmp-server enable traps config-ctid
snmp-server host <cloud ip address> version 2c public
Add Dashboard as a logging server.
logging host <cloud ip address>
Device Tracking
The device tracking policy is applied to all interfaces on the device to provide connected client data (MAC address, IP Address)
device-tracking policy MERAKI_POLICY
security-level glean
no protocol udp
tracking enable
Flow record, monitor, and exporter configurations are set on the device to enable traffic analytics. The flow monitor is applied to all interfaces.
Netflow configuration is applied only to devices that have a DNA Advantage license.
match application name
match connection client ipv4 address
match connection server ipv4 address
match connection server transport port
match flow observation point
match ipv4 protocol
match ipv4 version
collect application http host
collect application ssl common-name
collect connection client counter bytes network long
collect connection client counter packets long
collect connection initiator
collect connection new-connections
collect connection server counter bytes network long
collect connection server counter packets long
collect datalink mac source address input
collect datalink mac source address output
collect flow direction
collect timestamp absolute first
collect timestamp absolute last
match application name
match connection client ipv6 address
match connection server ipv6 address
match connection server transport port
match flow observation point
match ipv6 protocol
match ipv6 version
collect application http host
collect application ssl common-name
collect connection client counter bytes network long
collect connection client counter packets long
collect connection initiator
collect connection new-connections
collect connection server counter bytes network long
collect connection server counter packets long
collect datalink mac source address input
collect datalink mac source address output
collect flow direction
collect timestamp absolute first
collect timestamp absolute last
flow exporter MERAKI_AVC
destination local file-export default
export-protocol ipfix
option interface-table timeout 300
option application-table
option application-attributes
flow monitor MERAKI_AVC_IPV4
exporter MERAKI_AVC
cache timeout inactive 60
cache timeout active 300
cache entries 65536
flow monitor MERAKI_AVC_IPV6
exporter MERAKI_AVC
cache timeout inactive 60
cache timeout active 300
cache entries 65536
flow file-export default
destination <cloud ip address> transport http dest-port 18088 upload-path api/ipfixfilecollector/path/post_file
file max-size 10
file max-count 2
file max-create-interval 5
The device tacking policy and flow monitors are applied to all interfaces on the device.
interface Gx/x/x
device-tracking attach-policy MERAKI_POLICY
ip flow monitor MERAKI_AVC_IPV4 input
ip flow monitor MERAKI_AVC_IPV4 output
ipv6 flow monitor MERAKI_AVC_IPV6 input
ipv6 flow monitor MERAKI_AVC_IPV6 output
interface PoXXX
device-tracking attach-policy MERAKI_POLICY
ip flow monitor MERAKI_AVC_IPV4 input
ip flow monitor MERAKI_AVC_IPV4 output
ipv6 flow monitor MERAKI_AVC_IPV6 input
ipv6 flow monitor MERAKI_AVC_IPV6 output
Model Driven Telemetry
Telemetry subscriptions required to send data to Dashboard. For a full configuration of device telemetry Full Telemetry Configuration
Telemetry subscription brief
ID Type State Filter type
1001 Configured Valid tdl-uri
1002 Configured Valid transform-name
1003 Configured Valid tdl-uri
1004 Configured Valid nested-uri
1007 Configured Valid tdl-uri
1011 Configured Valid tdl-uri
1012 Configured Valid tdl-uri
1013 Configured Valid tdl-uri
1014 Configured Valid tdl-uri
1015 Configured Valid tdl-uri
1016 Configured Valid tdl-uri
1018 Configured Valid tdl-uri
1020 Configured Valid tdl-uri
1021 Configured Valid tdl-uri
1024 Configured Valid tdl-uri
1031 Configured Valid tdl-uri
2002 Configured Valid transform-name
Dashboard TLS Tunnel Endpoint Root Certificate Authority Details
Version: 3 (0x2)
Serial Number:
Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
Issuer: C=US, O=DigiCert Inc,, CN=DigiCert Global Root CA
Not Before: Apr 14 00:00:00 2021 GMT
Not After : Apr 13 23:59:59 2031 GMT
Subject: C=US, O=DigiCert Inc, CN=DigiCert TLS RSA SHA256 2020 CA1
Full Telemetry Configuration
telemetry ietf subscription 1001
encoding encode-tdl
filter tdl-uri /services;serviceName=sman_oper/control_process
stream native
update-policy periodic 30000
receiver ip address <cloud ip address> 25103 protocol cloud-native
telemetry ietf subscription 1002
encoding encode-tdl
filter tdl-transform MERAKI_INTF_STATS_DELTA
stream native
update-policy periodic 30000
receiver ip address <cloud ip address> 25103 protocol cloud-native
telemetry ietf subscription 1003
encoding encode-tdl
filter tdl-uri /services;serviceName=ios_oper/cdp_neighbor_detail
stream native
update-policy on-change
receiver ip address <cloud ip address> 25103 protocol cloud-native
telemetry ietf subscription 1004
encoding encode-tdl
filter nested-uri /services;serviceName=sman_oper/control_process;fru=BINOS_FRU_RP;slotnum=0;baynum=0;chassisnum=1?load_avg_minute
stream native
update-policy periodic 30000
receiver ip address <cloud ip address> 25103 protocol cloud-native
telemetry ietf subscription 1007
encoding encode-tdl
filter tdl-uri /services;serviceName=ios_oper/platform_component
stream native
update-policy periodic 30000
receiver ip address <cloud ip address> 25103 protocol cloud-native
telemetry ietf subscription 1011
encoding encode-tdl
filter tdl-uri /services;serviceName=smevent/sessionevent
stream native
update-policy on-change
receiver ip address <cloud ip address> 25103 protocol cloud-native
telemetry ietf subscription 1012
encoding encode-tdl
filter tdl-uri /services;serviceName=sessmgr_oper/session_context_data
stream native
update-policy periodic 360000
receiver ip address <cloud ip address> 25103 protocol cloud-native
telemetry ietf subscription 1013
encoding encode-tdl
filter tdl-uri /services;serviceName=iosevent/sisf_mac_oper_state
stream native
update-policy on-change
receiver ip address <cloud ip address> 25103 protocol cloud-native
telemetry ietf subscription 1014
encoding encode-tdl
filter tdl-uri /services;serviceName=ios_oper/sisf_db_wired_mac
stream native
update-policy periodic 360000
receiver ip address <cloud ip address> 25103 protocol cloud-native
telemetry ietf subscription 1015
encoding encode-tdl
filter tdl-uri /services;serviceName=ios_oper/poe_port_detail
stream native
update-policy periodic 30000
receiver ip address <cloud ip address> 25103 protocol cloud-native
telemetry ietf subscription 1016
encoding encode-tdl
filter tdl-uri /services;serviceName=ios_oper/poe_module
stream native
update-policy periodic 60000
receiver ip address <cloud ip address> 25103 protocol cloud-native
telemetry ietf subscription 1018
encoding encode-tdl
filter tdl-uri /services;serviceName=ios_oper/cdp_neighbor_detail
stream native
update-policy periodic 360000
receiver ip address <cloud ip address> 25103 protocol cloud-native
telemetry ietf subscription 1020
encoding encode-tdl
filter tdl-uri /services;serviceName=stkmevent/stkmevent
stream native
update-policy on-change
receiver ip address <cloud ip address> 25103 protocol cloud-native
telemetry ietf subscription 1021
encoding encode-tdl
filter tdl-uri /services;serviceName=ios_oper/switch_oper_info
stream native
update-policy on-change
receiver ip address <cloud ip address> 25103 protocol cloud-native
telemetry ietf subscription 1030
encoding encode-tdl
filter tdl-uri /services;serviceName=iosevent/platform_component_state_update
stream native
update-policy on-change
receiver ip address <cloud ip address> 25103 protocol cloud-native
telemetry ietf subscription 1031
encoding encode-tdl
filter tdl-uri /services;serviceName=ios_emul_oper/entity_information
stream native
update-policy periodic 30000
receiver ip address <cloud ip address> 25103 protocol cloud-native
telemetry ietf subscription 2002
encoding encode-tdl
stream native
update-policy periodic 30000
receiver ip address <cloud ip address> 25103 protocol cloud-native
telemetry transform MERAKI_INTF_STATS_DELTA
input table tbl_interfaces_state
field ipv4
field name
field speed
field if_index
field description
field oper_status
field admin_status
field phys_address
field interface_type
field statistics.rx_pps
field statistics.tx_pps
field statistics.in_octets
field statistics.out_errors
field ether_state.media_type
field statistics.in_errors_64
field statistics.out_discards
field statistics.in_crc_errors
field statistics.out_octets_64
field intf_ext_state.error_type
field statistics.in_discards_64
field statistics.in_unicast_pkts
field statistics.out_unicast_pkts
field ether_stats.in_jabber_frames
field statistics.in_broadcast_pkts
field statistics.in_multicast_pkts
field statistics.out_broadcast_pkts
field statistics.out_multicast_pkts
field ether_stats.in_fragment_frames
field ether_stats.in_oversize_frames
field ether_stats.in_mac_pause_frames
field statistics.in_unknown_protos_64
field ether_stats.out_mac_pause_frames
field intf_ext_state.port_error_reason
field ether_state.negotiated_port_speed
field ether_state.negotiated_duplex_mode
field ether_stats.dot3_counters.dot3_error_counters_v2.dot3_fcs_errors
field ether_stats.dot3_counters.dot3_error_counters_v2.dot3_duplex_status
field ether_stats.dot3_counters.dot3_error_counters_v2.dot3_symbol_errors
field ether_stats.dot3_counters.dot3_error_counters_v2.dot3_frame_too_longs
field ether_stats.dot3_counters.dot3_error_counters_v2.dot3_late_collisions
field ether_stats.dot3_counters.dot3_error_counters_v2.dot3_alignment_errors
field ether_stats.dot3_counters.dot3_error_counters_v2.dot3_carrier_sense_errors
field ether_stats.dot3_counters.dot3_error_counters_v2.dot3_excessive_collisions
field ether_stats.dot3_counters.dot3_error_counters_v2.dot3_single_collision_frames
field ether_stats.dot3_counters.dot3_error_counters_v2.dot3_multiple_collision_frames
field ether_stats.dot3_counters.dot3_error_counters_v2.dot3_internal_mac_receive_errors
field ether_stats.dot3_counters.dot3_error_counters_v2.dot3_internal_mac_transmit_errors
join-key name
logical-op and
type mandatory
uri /services;serviceName=ios_emul_oper/interface
operation 1
output-field 1
output-field 2
field tbl_interfaces_state.if_index
output-field 3
field tbl_interfaces_state.interface_type
output-field 4
field tbl_interfaces_state.description
output-field 5
field tbl_interfaces_state.admin_status
output-field 6
field tbl_interfaces_state.oper_status
output-field 7
field tbl_interfaces_state.speed
output-field 8
field tbl_interfaces_state.ipv4
output-field 9
field tbl_interfaces_state.phys_address
output-field 10
field tbl_interfaces_state.statistics.in_unknown_protos_64
output-field 11
field tbl_interfaces_state.statistics.in_octets
output-field 12
field tbl_interfaces_state.statistics.out_octets_64
output-field 13
field tbl_interfaces_state.statistics.in_errors_64
output-field 14
field tbl_interfaces_state.statistics.out_errors
output-field 15
field tbl_interfaces_state.statistics.in_unicast_pkts
output-field 16
field tbl_interfaces_state.statistics.out_unicast_pkts
output-field 17
field tbl_interfaces_state.statistics.in_multicast_pkts
output-field 18
field tbl_interfaces_state.statistics.out_multicast_pkts
output-field 19
field tbl_interfaces_state.statistics.in_broadcast_pkts
output-field 20
field tbl_interfaces_state.statistics.out_broadcast_pkts
output-field 21
field tbl_interfaces_state.statistics.in_discards_64
output-field 22
field tbl_interfaces_state.statistics.out_discards
output-field 23
field tbl_interfaces_state.statistics.tx_pps
output-field 24
field tbl_interfaces_state.statistics.rx_pps
output-field 25
field tbl_interfaces_state.ether_state.media_type
output-field 26
field tbl_interfaces_state.ether_stats.dot3_counters.dot3_error_counters_v2.dot3_single_collision_frames
output-field 27
field tbl_interfaces_state.ether_stats.dot3_counters.dot3_error_counters_v2.dot3_multiple_collision_frames
output-field 28
field tbl_interfaces_state.ether_stats.dot3_counters.dot3_error_counters_v2.dot3_late_collisions
output-field 29
field tbl_interfaces_state.ether_stats.dot3_counters.dot3_error_counters_v2.dot3_excessive_collisions
output-field 30
field tbl_interfaces_state.ether_stats.dot3_counters.dot3_error_counters_v2.dot3_frame_too_longs
output-field 31
field tbl_interfaces_state.ether_stats.dot3_counters.dot3_error_counters_v2.dot3_alignment_errors
output-field 32
field tbl_interfaces_state.ether_stats.dot3_counters.dot3_error_counters_v2.dot3_fcs_errors
output-field 33
field tbl_interfaces_state.ether_stats.dot3_counters.dot3_error_counters_v2.dot3_carrier_sense_errors
output-field 34
field tbl_interfaces_state.ether_stats.dot3_counters.dot3_error_counters_v2.dot3_internal_mac_receive_errors
output-field 35
field tbl_interfaces_state.ether_stats.dot3_counters.dot3_error_counters_v2.dot3_internal_mac_transmit_errors
output-field 36
field tbl_interfaces_state.ether_stats.dot3_counters.dot3_error_counters_v2.dot3_symbol_errors
output-field 37
field tbl_interfaces_state.ether_stats.dot3_counters.dot3_error_counters_v2.dot3_duplex_status
output-field 38
field tbl_interfaces_state.ether_stats.in_mac_pause_frames
output-field 39
field tbl_interfaces_state.ether_stats.out_mac_pause_frames
output-field 40
field tbl_interfaces_state.ether_stats.in_oversize_frames
output-field 41
field tbl_interfaces_state.ether_stats.in_jabber_frames
output-field 42
field tbl_interfaces_state.ether_stats.in_fragment_frames
output-field 43
field tbl_interfaces_state.ether_state.negotiated_duplex_mode
output-field 44
field tbl_interfaces_state.ether_state.negotiated_port_speed
output-field 45
field tbl_interfaces_state.statistics.in_crc_errors
output-field 46
field tbl_interfaces_state.intf_ext_state.error_type
output-field 47
field tbl_interfaces_state.intf_ext_state.port_error_reason
input table tbl_interfaces_state
field ipv4
field name
field speed
field if_index
field description
field oper_status
field admin_status
field phys_address
field interface_type
field interface_class
field statistics.rx_pps
field statistics.tx_pps
field statistics.in_octets
field statistics.out_errors
field statistics.in_errors_64
field statistics.out_discards
field statistics.out_octets_64
field statistics.in_discards_64
field statistics.in_unicast_pkts
field statistics.out_unicast_pkts
field statistics.in_broadcast_pkts
field statistics.in_multicast_pkts
field statistics.out_broadcast_pkts
field statistics.out_multicast_pkts
field statistics.in_unknown_protos_64
join-key name
logical-op and
type mandatory
uri /services;serviceName=ios_emul_oper/interface
operation 1
filter 1
condition operator eq
field tbl_interfaces_state.interface_class
logical-op and
logical-op next and
filter 2
event on-change
logical-op next or
logical-op or
output-field 1
output-field 2
field tbl_interfaces_state.if_index
output-field 3
field tbl_interfaces_state.interface_type
output-field 4
field tbl_interfaces_state.description
output-field 5
field tbl_interfaces_state.admin_status
output-field 6
field tbl_interfaces_state.oper_status
output-field 7
field tbl_interfaces_state.speed
output-field 8
field tbl_interfaces_state.ipv4
output-field 9
field tbl_interfaces_state.phys_address
output-field 10
field tbl_interfaces_state.statistics.in_unknown_protos_64
output-field 11
field tbl_interfaces_state.statistics.in_octets
output-field 12
field tbl_interfaces_state.statistics.out_octets_64
output-field 13
field tbl_interfaces_state.statistics.in_errors_64
output-field 14
field tbl_interfaces_state.statistics.out_errors
output-field 15
field tbl_interfaces_state.statistics.in_unicast_pkts
output-field 16
field tbl_interfaces_state.statistics.out_unicast_pkts
output-field 17
field tbl_interfaces_state.statistics.in_multicast_pkts
output-field 18
field tbl_interfaces_state.statistics.out_multicast_pkts
output-field 19
field tbl_interfaces_state.statistics.in_broadcast_pkts
output-field 20
field tbl_interfaces_state.statistics.out_broadcast_pkts
output-field 21
field tbl_interfaces_state.statistics.in_discards_64
output-field 22
field tbl_interfaces_state.statistics.out_discards
output-field 23
field tbl_interfaces_state.statistics.tx_pps
output-field 24
field tbl_interfaces_state.statistics.rx_pps