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Cisco Meraki Documentation

Implementing Terms and Conditions on Splash Page

Some network operators may want to force users to agree to a terms and conditions statement prior to allowing them on the network. This article outlines two possible solutions for T&C implementation on a Splash Page.

Note: These options cannot be implemented for splash pages in networks with a billing plan.

Option #1: Add a scrolling text area for the terms and conditions wording.

  1. Wrap the T & C wording in an HTML scroll box. Be mindful of users on small screens. There are many ways to do scroll boxes, here is a simple way:
    <div style="height:120px;width:450px;overflow:auto;">Add your T&C code here</div>
  2. Add Meraki magic strings to the code for any continue links:
    <p><a href="$MERAKI:AUTH_AND_CONTINUE_URL$" title="I Agree to Terms" id="continue_link">I agree</a>
    1. [Optional] Keep users on the continue page if they do not agree
      <a href="continue.html">I do not agree</a></p>
  3. Remove the magic string that automates authorization, delete it from the bottom of the continue page:

Option #2:  Create a second page with the T&C.

  1. After creating a custom theme, upload a page for the T & C's on the splash page of the Dashboard.  For example "T_and_C.html".
  2. Create a link on the continue page for users that want to read the T & C:
    By clicking continue I agree to <a href="T_AND_C.html"> the terms and conditions.</a></p>
  3. Ensure the proper Meraki magic strings are associated with any continue links on either page:
    <p><a href="$MERAKI:AUTH_AND_CONTINUE_URL$" title="I Agree to Terms" id="continue_link">I agree</a>
    1. [Optional] Keep users on the continue page if they do not agree:
      <a href="continue.html">I do not agree</a></p>
  4. Remove the magic string that automates authorization, delete it from the bottom of the continue page:
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