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Cisco Meraki Documentation

PPPoE Configuration on a Security Gateway - Meraki Go

Meraki Go Security Gateways support configurations for Point to Point Protocol over Ethernet, or PPPoE. You may need PPPoE if your ISP requires a username and password to access your DSL connection. This document will walk you through how to do that.

The Local Status Page 

All Meraki Go devices have a local status page that allows you to view the current status of the Meraki Go device you are connected to, as well as perform some basic configurations. To access the local status page of you Meraki Go Security Gateway, you will want to connect to make sure your device is connected to the Meraki Go Security Gateway, then open a web browser, and browser to ""

Configuring a PPPoE Uplink

To configure a PPPoE Uplink, you will need to:

  1. Choose the Configure tab at the top of the Local Status Page

  2. Enter the serial number of the device you are connected to (all capitals with dashes) as the username, with no password

  3. Change the Connection Type section to PPPoE

  4. Fill in the appropriate authentication details provided by your ISP if necessary

  5. Select save

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