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Cisco Meraki Documentation

Secure Connect - Configure Browser Access Policies

Configuring Browser Access Policies  

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Once all prerequisites are met, follow the Application configuration and Browser Access Policy creation process outlined below. 

Step 1: Application configuration 

To configure an application for browser-based access, please follow the steps outlined here

Step 2: Posture Profile configuration: 

Please follow the steps outlined here to configure a posture profile for browser access policies. 

Step 3: Browser Access Policy:   

  1. Navigate to Secure Connect->Policies-> Browser Access Policy
  2. In the upper right corner, click +Add Rule
  3. In the Name window, type a Name for the rule
  4. Select an Action, Allow or Deny
  5. Select Group and/or Users


  1. Choose the Applications and/or Application Groups evaluated with this policy or click the Private application to add a new application.


  1. (Optional) Select a Posture Profile


  1. Click Save