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Cisco Meraki Documentation

Endpoint Posture Profile


Browser Based Access Posture Configuration

  1. Navigate to Secure Connect->Configure->Endpoint Posture
  2. Select Browse-based access
  3. In the upper right corner, click +Add Profile
  4. Give your posture profile a good descriptive Name
  5. Proceed by configuring at least 1 of the following posture conditions:

Posture Conditions

Operating Systems- This check is based upon information provided by the client's browser.  
  • Select the operating system(s)
  • For each OS selected, select the specific OS version(s) allowed


  • If "latest version" is selected, specify the time for users to upgrade to required version


Browsers- This check is based upon information provided by the client's browser
  • Select the browser(s)

  • For each browser selected, select the specific version(s) allowed


  • If "latest version" is selected, specify the time for users to upgrade to required version
Locations- Detection is based on the IP address of the connected device
  • Specify the continents and countries


  1. Review and Save