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Cisco Meraki Documentation

Cisco Meraki Hosted Splash Page Variables

Cisco Meraki defines a set of variables to represent custom values in the HTML and CSS of the click-through splash page, the splash page with username/password login, or the blocked access page. Each of these pages is editable within a splash page theme under the Configure tab on the Splash Page page.

The following pages are used for the full Splash Page experience:

  • auth.html: Displayed for the splash page with username/password login.
  • blocked.html: Displayed when a user or device has been blocked.
  • continue.html: Displayed for the click-through splash page.
  • oauth.html: Displayed for splash pages with oauth enabled.
    Note: Only supported with the Modern splash theme.
  • prepaid.html: Displayed for billing splash with prepaid codes.
  • sms.html: Displayed for splash pages with sms auth.


When a user is served a splash page, each of these custom strings will be replaced with its underlying value in a simple substitution. The variables can be used anywhere in the HTML or CSS. They should only be used in places where the underlying value will make sense.

For example, the variable $MERAKI:CONTENT2_LINK_COLOR$ will return a value representing a color in the form "#rrggbb" and thus is appropriate for use in style sheets or HTML style attributes where a color is required.


The following custom variables are defined:


·         Returns: HTML (including Javascript)

·         Value: An ad tag that inserts a 300 x 250 ad frame.

·         Arguments: None



·         Returns: HTML

·         Value: The login form, with fields for the user's email address and password. Used for networks with user-based authentication enabled.

·         Arguments: None


·         Returns: Text string

·         Value: “If you already have an account on this network, sign in here” in the local language of the network.

·         Arguments: None



·         Returns: URL

·         Value: The URL that the user should follow to get authorized on the network. The user will be redirected to the URL that he was trying to fetch when he was served the splash page. Used to create the "Continue to the Internet" link. Used for open access (free) networks.

·         Arguments: None



·         Returns: HTML

·         Value: The form that allows the user to create an account.

·         Arguments: None



·         Returns: Text string

·         Value: “If you don’t have an account, create one here” in the local language of the network.

·         Arguments: None



·         Returns: Text string

·         Value: "You will need to be on the list of authorized users for this network in order to access the Internet.".

·         Arguments: None


·         Returns: URL

·         Value: Similar to AUTH_AND_CONTINUE_URL, but redirects to a URL that the administrator specifies, rather than the URL the user was originally trying to load. This can be used to display a post-splash "Welcome" or "Thank you" message.

·         Arguments: URL



·         Returns: Color value in the form "#ffffff"

·         Value: The background color of the splash page.

·         Arguments: None



·         Returns: Color value in the form "#ffffff"

·         Value: The color for links as specified in the <body> tag on the splash page.

·         Arguments: None



·         Returns: Color value in the form "#ffffff"

·         Value: The color for the body as specified in the <body> tag on the splash page.

·         Arguments: None



·         Returns: “0” or “215px”Meraki Cloud Controller Product Manual | 121

·         Value:

o   0 = there is no custom image on the splash screen

o   215px = there is a custom image on the splash screen

·         Arguments: None



·         Returns: Color value in the form "#ffffff"

·         Value: Background color to the row of colors with the same name as “CONTENT1”.

·         Arguments: None



·         Returns: Color value in the form "#ffffff"

·         Value: The color for links for the row of colors with the same name as “CONTENT1”.

·         Arguments: None



·         Returns: Color value in the form "#ffffff"

·         Value: Text color for the row of colors with the same name as “CONTENT1”.

·         Arguments: None



·         Returns: Color value in the form "#ffffff"

·         Value: Background color for the row of colors with the same name as “CONTENT2”.

·         Arguments: None



·         Returns: Color value in the form "#ffffff"

·         Value: Link color for the row of colors with the same name as “CONTENT2”.

·         Arguments: None



·         Returns: Color value in the form "#ffffff"

·         Value: Text color for the row of colors with the same name as “CONTENT2”.

·         Arguments: None



·         Returns: HTML

·         Value: Contains the message the administrator entered on the Clients

·         page of the MCC to be displayed for blocked users.

·         Arguments: None



·         Returns: Text

·         Value: “This network administrator has prevented you from using the network” in the local language of the network.

·         Arguments: None



·         Returns: <img> HTML tag

·         Value: References the network’s logo.

·         Arguments: None



·         Returns: Text String

·         Value: The custom message entered on the Splash Page page in the MCC. Does not include HTML tags in the text.

·         Arguments: None



·         Returns: Text String

·         Value: The name of the SSID.

·         Arguments: None



·         Returns: URL

·         Value: Link to the custom image on the splash page.

·         Arguments: None



Returns: <img> HTML tag

Value: References the network’s Splash Image.

Arguments: None



·         Returns: “block” or “none

·         Represents: Presence of a custom image on the splash page.

o   “block” = Image present

o   “none” = Image not present

·         Arguments: None



·         Returns: JavaScript

·         Value: Rounds the corners of the specified division ("div")

·         Arguments: name of the div, a comma, followed by a list of space separated values indicating what corner is to be rounded. Valid rounding_preferences are: Top, Bottom, Left, Right, or any of tl, bl, br, or tr, corresponding to top-left, bottom-left, etc.

·         Example: $MERAKI:ROUND_CORNERS(DIVISION_NAME, top bottom)$



·         Returns: Text String

·         Value: “The use of this network is subject to Cisco Meraki’s privacy policy” The words “Privacy policy” are a link to Meraki’s privacy policy statement. If the toolbar is disabled this returns an empty string

·         Arguments: None


$MERAKI:USER_ALERTS$Meraki Cloud Controller Product Manual | 123

·         Returns: HTML

·         Value: A div containing alert messages resulting from the submission of a form (e.g., "login incorrect").

·         Arguments: None



· Returns: HTML

· Value: A login textbox, expected input is the user's phone # Used for networks with SMS-based authentication enabled.

· Arguments: None

<div id="right_col">
<div class="login-error $MERAKI:HIDDEN_UNLESS_ERROR_MESSAGES$">
<div id="signin_form" class="formarea form_links">

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