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Cisco Meraki Documentation

Facebook Login Deprecation - FAQs

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Facebook Splash Page Login will not be supported after June 12, 2023 because Facebook has ended this service.


Facebook login provided a social sign-on experience for users logging into Meraki MR access points and MX security appliances. You could use your Facebook page as the sign-on page when users first logged into your network. Users could then check-in with their Facebook credentials, update their status, and ‘like’ the Facebook page.

Note: Facebook has decided to end the service starting June 12, 2023 and as a result, Meraki will end support for Facebook Splash Page Login. However, you can continue to deliver secure and customizable WiFi-login experience using other options available on Meraki platform.


  • Why is the Facebook Wi-Fi Splash Page Login support being discontinued?

      Facebook has decided to end the Facebook Wi-Fi service

  • When is Facebook Wi-Fi Splash Page Login support ending?

    June 12, 2023
  • What would happen if customers don’t make configuration updates? 

    Users shall not be able to authenticate using Facebook credentials and connect to Wi-Fi.
  • What alternative Splash Page Login options are available ?
  • Until when can I make changes to Facebook Splash Page Login settings?

    Change should be made anytime before June 12, 2023 after which clients will no longer be able to connect to the network using Facebook Login.
  • Which specific SKU's and firmware versions are impacted by this change?

    All MR's support this feature, deprecation impacts irrespective of SKU and firmware version.