Meraki Hardware and Software Onboarding Guide
Claiming your order streamlines the onboarding process, especially for large purchases, by allowing you to claim all associated hardware and software in a single step. This saves time and reduces administrative effort. Additionally, the process offers flexibility, enabling you to claim subscriptions alongside hardware or manage licenses separately as needed.
Claiming Hardware Full Order
Using Your Order Claim Key
- Locate your Order Claim Key. This key, provided in your hardware shipment notifications, can be used to claim all hardware from your order in a single claim event, even if the hardware arrives in multiple shipments.
2. Claim Devices: to begin utilizing a device in Dashboard, it must first be claimed. The claim process can be initiated from any page where devices may be added:
Network-wide > Configure > Add Devices
Organization > Configure > Inventory
If your inventory is empty, you’ll be prompted to enter your Claim Key. If you already have devices in inventory, click the Claim Devices button.
3. Claim Devices:
Upon a successful claim event, you’ll be prompted with a screen to review the details of your order.
Note: If you have a Meraki Order Number, you can also use it to claim your order
Ⓘ Note: Claiming a device to an organization's Inventory does NOT assign ownership. The Inventory is merely for record-keeping and organizing. Administrators must assign the device to a network to actually claim ownership of that device.
If you would like to take ownership of the devices but are not ready to add them to your network in your current organization, you can claim them to a temporary ‘holding organization’. Once you have created the new organization, you will want to create a network. This will assign ownership of the devices to the holding organization. If no licenses are added the organization will shut down and will not allow anyone else to claim the devices or use the devices in any other organization.
Claiming Hardware and Software (Subscriptions)
- When your order includes a software subscription, you can claim the subscription at the same time as your hardware when using the Order Claim Key. To start follow the claiming your hardware process here - Claiming Hardware Using Your Order Claim Key. You will be prompted while following the claim process if you would like to Claim Subscription & Devices or Claim Devices Only.
2. Click on Claim Subscription & Devices.
If you would like to If you’d prefer to claim your software later, or into a different organization, you can continue with the Claim Devices Only option. simply use the Subscription Claim Key provided by email to claim your software on the Subscription & License Info page. For more information refer to this document - Subscription Licensing Claim Process
Claiming Hardware and Software (Co-term Licenses)
- When your order includes a software Co-term Licenses, you will need to claim the software separately from your hardware when using the Order Claim Key. To start follow the claiming your hardware process here - Claiming Hardware Using Your Order Claim Key.
2. After claiming the hardware using your Secure Claim key, use the Claim Licenses button or proceed to the License Info page, where licenses can be claimed using the License Key(s). For More information refer to this document - Claiming Co-term Licenses
Claiming Hardware and Software (PDL Licenses)
- When your order includes a software PDL Licenses, you will need to claim the software separately from your hardware when using the Order Claim Key. To start follow the claiming your hardware process here - Claiming Hardware Using Your Order Claim Key.
2. After claiming the hardware using your Secure Claim key, use the Claim Licenses button or proceed to the License Info page, where licenses can be claimed using the License Key(s). For More information refer to this document - Claiming PDL Licenses
Claim Individual Devices
If a device was recently removed from a network, please allow up to 60 minutes before attempting to claim the device/order to a different inventory.
Claim Multiple Devices through the Meraki Mobile App
The Meraki mobile app allows for quick scanning and claiming of individual devices directly into your organization. If you have to claim multiple devices, the quickest way is by scanning their barcode using the Meraki app.
Log in to your Meraki iOS or Android app with your Meraki dashboard account. Create a new account if you do not have one.
Navigate to the correct network through the left-side bar.
Go to the Devices tab from the bottom navigation bar.
Select the + icon on the top right of the screen and pick Scan new device barcode.
Point your phone camera toward the hardware barcode to claim the device.
Enter device information and then select Done. Press Add another to claim a new device.
Claim Devices From Dashboard Network
To begin utilizing a device in Dashboard, it must first be claimed. The claim process can be initiated from any page where devices may be added:
Navigate to Network-wide > Configure > Add Devices
Manually add devices by entering their serial numbers in the Dashboard Add Device tool. For more information on this process please refer to this link - Claiming devices via Network
Claim Devices Using the Org-wide Inventory Page
To begin utilizing a device in Dashboard, it must first be claimed. The claim process can be initiated from any page where devices may be added:
Navigate to Organization > Configure > Inventory
View and manage all your claimed devices through the Organization Inventory page. For more information please refer to this link - Using Your Inventory Page
Note: Network-only administrators cannot claim devices into the organization's Inventory. They may only claim devices via Network-wide > Configure > Add Devices.
Claim Devices through Using APIs
To begin utilizing a device in Dashboard, it must first be claimed. The claim process can be initiated from any page where devices may be added:
Leverage Meraki APIs for automated device claiming and inventory management.
API-based claims allow for integration with existing IT workflows. For more information please refer to the following document -
If claiming a device via API all uppercase characters must be used.