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Cisco Meraki Documentation

Using the Cisco Secure Client Diagnostics and Reporting Tool (DART)


The Cisco Secure Client Diagnostics and Reporting Tool (DART) is an essential utility for collecting valuable diagnostic information from devices running the Cisco Secure Client (formerly known as AnyConnect). The information gathered by DART can be used for troubleshooting and diagnosing issues with VPN connections managed by Meraki MX appliances or other related network problems.

The Cisco DART tool is available for both Windows and MAC devices.

Downloading DART

DART is typically included with the Cisco Secure Client installation package. If DART is not present on a client device, it can be downloaded from the Cisco website.

Follow these steps to install DART:

  1. Navigate to Cisco's official download page.
  2. Search for Secure Client (including AnyConnect).
  3. Download the appropriate version for your operating system.
  4. Follow the installation prompts to install DART on the client device.

Obtaining DART Logs

To collect diagnostic information using DART, perform the following steps:

  1. Launch DART: Open the DART tool on the client's device.

    Cisco Secure Client Dart Tool Start Page
  2. Select Bundle Creation Option: Follow the on-screen prompts to choose the specific types of information and logs you want to collect. Typically, the 'Default' bundle is sufficient.

    Cisco Secure Client Dart Tool Bundle Creation Options
  3. Encryption Options: Ensure any encryption options are deselected.

    Cisco Secure Client Dart Tool Bundle Encryption Options
  4. Start Collection: The diagnostic data collection process may take several minutes depending on the amount of data being gathered.

    Cisco Secure Client Dart Tool Running
  5. Save the Report: Once the collection is complete, you will be prompted to save the diagnostic report. Choose a secure location and provide a descriptive file name for easy identification. DART logs are stored in a zip file and saved to the user's Desktop by default.

    Cisco Secure Client Dart Tool Bundle Creation Result

Submitting DART Logs

Once obtained, DART logs must be submitted to Meraki Support for review and analysis.

For details on how to contact Meraki Support, refer to the Contacting Support page.

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