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Cisco Meraki Documentation

Best Practice Design - MX Security and SD-WAN

General MX Best Practices

With the increasing popularity and demand for SD-WAN architecture, planning and designing a secure and highly functional network can be a challenging task. With cloud technology on the rise, and an increase in the amount of user data in modern networks, it is no easy task to plan and accommodate, while maintaining overall security. The Cisco Meraki WAN appliances allow for high-end performance with a robust feature set to provide an easy to manage security solution for environments of any size. From small form factor teleworker gateways to powerful datacenter appliances, the Cisco Meraki WAN appliance allows for flexibility and functionality of network operations. 


For branch offices that require communication to the corporate network, remote employees on the go that need to view important documents on public networks, or administrators that require increased control over client devices, Software Defined Networking is an ever-growing key component of the modern data network. Typically this requires tedious interaction and configurations to ensure full functionality for end users and client devices, as well as constant monitoring. Due to the fact that Cisco Meraki WAN appliances are managed completely with the Meraki cloud, all of this can be done with our intuitive online dashboard. The dashboard provides the in-depth visibility needed for the modern network with integrated monitoring tools.  

To find more in-depth information on what model of the Cisco Meraki WAN appliance best suits your needs, please refer to the MX sizing guide.

Deployment Options

The Cisco Meraki WAN appliance has a number of deployment options to meet the needs of your network and infrastructure. Whether as the main edge firewall for your network, or as a concentrator device in your data center, the WAN appliance can be easily integrated. The operational modes of the WAN appliance can be found on the Cisco Meraki dashboard under Security & SD-WAN > Configure > Addressing and VLANs.

Deployment Settings.png

Routed (NAT) Mode

Routed mode on a Cisco Meraki WAN appliance is best used when the WAN appliance will be connecting directly to your internet demarcation point. When this is the case, the WAN appliance will have a public IP address that is issued by the internet service provider. The WAN appliance will also be the device handling the routing for clients to the internet, and any other networks configured for the device to communicate to.  This mode is optimal for networking environments that require a WAN appliance with Layer 3 networking capabilities.

NAT mode Diagram.png

NAT Mode Considerations

  • A Cisco Meraki WAN appliance operating in NAT mode is best deployed when its WAN connection is directly connected to the ISP handoff
  • A WAN appliancecan operate in NAT mode if it is behind another Layer 3 device that is also performing NAT, but you may run into complications with Meraki cloud connectivity, as well as some features such as Meraki Auto VPN

Passthrough or VPN Concentrator Mode

Passthrough mode on a Cisco Meraki WAN appliance configures the appliance as a Layer 2 bridge for the network.  The WAN appliance in this mode will not perform any routing or any network translations for clients on the network.  Passthrough or VPN Concentrator Mode is best used when there is an existing Layer 3 device upstream handling network routing functions.  The WAN appliance in this instance would still act as a WAN appliance, but with less functionality for Layer 3 networking.

The recommended use case for the WAN appliance in passthrough mode is when it is acting as a VPN Concentrator for the Cisco Meraki Auto VPN feature.  Passthrough or VPN Concentrator mode ensures easy integration into an existing network that may already have layer 3 functionality and edge security in place.  With this mode, a Cisco Meraki WAN appliance can be integrated into the existing topology and allow for seamless site to site communication with minimal configuration needed.

MX as VPN Concentrator Green.png

Passthrough or VPN Concentrator Considerations

  • The Cisco Meraki WAN appliance will not perform layer functions such as NAT or routing.
  • A WAN appliance in passthrough or VPN concentrator mode will act as a layer 2 firewall that will integrate into the existing LAN with a layer 3 routing appliance upstream.
  • VPN destined traffic will need to be directed to the WAN appliance for effective routing to the VPN endpoint. As such, static routes on other Layer 3 capable devices may be needed for full VPN functionality.
  • WAN appliances in passthrough are able to allow IPv6 traffic to pass across the existing LAN if the traffic flows through the WAN appliance.

Redundancy and High Availability

With the network being a vital tool and resource for today's business operations, it is essential that network functionality and connectivity remain as consistent as possible. Planning for high availability in your network infrastructure is critical. Cisco Meraki WAN appliances allow for easy and seamless configuration and design of a highly available network. To ensure the maximum amount of uptime for your network, WAN appliances include a number of capabilities for a redundant design. These capabilities include the ability to form a High Availability (HA) pair, as well as multiple internet uplink ports with automatic failover functionality.

High Availability and Redundant WAN Connections

The recommended deployment to ensure the most possible uptime is an environment that combines two high availability paired WAN Appliances with multiple Internet Service Provider connections. In this architecture, there is full redundancy to minimize the possible downtime in the event of a failure in either an appliance or a service provider. 



High Availability (HA) Pair

When deploying two WAN appliances in high availability (HA), it is recommended to have the management traffic for HA traverse via a downstream connection to a layer 2 switch, and to not have a dedicated HA cable connected between the two appliances. The reason for this is because there is an increased potential for a spanning-tree loop if the WAN appliances are also connected to the same layer 2 switch. The best topology is to have the WAN appliances connected to the same downstream Layer 2 switch.


MX HA Pair (1).png

NOTE: The WAN appliance generates and sends VRRP heartbeats across all configured VLANs. For best high availability behavior, it is recommended to have all VLANs allowed on the downstream connections to the switches that are connecting the WAN appliance HA pair.  It is also recommended that any downstream switches that may be passing the VRRP traffic are configured to be aware of all the VLANs configured on the WAN appliance.


For more information on HA configuration with VRRP on the Meraki WAN appliance, see the knowledge base document MX Warm Spare - HA Pair.

For more information on WAN appliance layer 2 connectivity, see the knowledge base document MX Layer 2 Functionality.

Cisco Meraki WAN Appliance Networking

When planning and designing a network, an important consideration is whether the client and end-user devices should be on the same network or subnet. In most cases, having multiple subnets in your deployment is recommended, as it adds a layer of security against potentially malicious devices or users. This is especially recommended if you are planning on having a guest network set up. The Meraki WAN appliance is capable of supporting multiple subnets or VLANs so the user networks can be separated out.  

Addressing and VLANs

The best practice for planning and configuring a network is to have multiple VLANs for different traffic uses cases. This is especially recommended for separation of networks that will be hosting employee data and networks providing guest access. This is a critical consideration to ensure the maximum possible security for your networking environment. Using multiple VLANs for different use cases will also decrease the amount of broadcast traffic within the same subnet. When designing and configuring multiple VLANs, it is generally recommended to create the subnet to be sized for the necessary amount of devices intended to be in that particular network. Generally, networks with /24 subnet masks are large enough for common deployments, while also providing room for expansion and simple subnetting scalability if more VLANs are to be added. However, it is always best to consider the needs of your deployment when planning your subnets, as some deployments may require larger addressing spaces.

Adressing & VLANs.png

For more information on enabling and configuring VLANs please see our knowledge base document Configuring VLANs on the MX Security Appliance.

Routing and Layer 3 Connectivity

In certain deployments, the Meraki WAN appliance may not be the only device performing layer 3 functions for the entirety of the data network. Examples of this can be a deployment where the WAN appliance acts as the internet edge gateway while layer 3 routing is performed on downstream devices, or where another layer 3 capable device is added into the existing routing topology. If this is the case, then the WAN appliance must have static routes configured to allow for effective communication to the other layer 3 destinations in the network. The other layer 3 devices must also have static routes in place to the WAN appliance. 

In the example below, an WAN appliance is set up as an Internet edge firewall, with the rest of the layer 3 routing taking place on a downstream switch stack. With this configuration, it is best to have a single subnet configured between the WAN appliance and the other layer 3 device, to minimize the amount of traffic and routing that will be taking place as well as to keep routing consistency. This single subnet will act as a transit VLAN for all routing that is to take place between the two layer 3 endpoints in the topology. 


Layer 3 Routing Diagram.png

For more information on WAN appliance routing and layer 3 connectivity, please refer to the documents MX and MS Basic Layer 3 Topology and MX Routing Behavior

WAN Appliance Security Functionality

The Meraki WAN appliance allows for simple yet effective security for your networks and deployments with the numerous security functions it has to offer. Configuring advanced security policies and features ensures a protected environment for your deployment. The WAN appliance has the following services and configuration options for security functionality:

  • Layer 3 Stateful Firewall
  • Layer 7 Firewall functionality
  • Port Forwarding and NAT
  • Advanced Malware Protection (Advanced Security License)
  • Intrusion Detection and Prevention Services (Advanced Security License)
  • IP Source Address Spoofing Protection

Layer 3 Firewall Rules

The Meraki WAN appliance allows for custom outbound firewall rules to be configured to ensure precise and granular control over which networks are able to communicate with one another.  The WAN appliance is a stateful firewall, meaning that all inbound connections are blocked unless they have either originated from within the WAN Appliance or a forwarding rule is configured.  

By default, all VLANs configured on the WAN appliance will be able to communicate with one another.  If there are VLANs you wish to not be able to pass traffic between, firewall rules will need to be configured.  It is best practice to restrict the amount of traffic that can travel between subnets that are not closely related.  For example, it is recommended to create firewall rules to block all traffic from a VLAN that may be used for guest access from being able to contact other VLANs used for business operations.  


Block data to guest.png


Additionally, if there are internal users that need internet access, but should be blocked from accessing a certain site or IP address, the firewall rules can be configured with IPs or URLs as the destinations. The use case for this is if you know of a website the users in that VLAN should not access.


Block VLAN access to site.png

NOTE: The layer 3 firewall rules configured will be processed in top-down order.  If traffic matches a rule in the list, the WAN appliance will no longer process any further rules for that traffic.  

Layer 7 Firewall Rules

Best practice design for Layer 7 rules is to ensure that the category you have selected to block does not fall under the traffic flow for applications you may use.  For example, if you choose to block the category for "File Sharing," and you block all options, you may cause a disruption in service for an application such as Microsoft OneDrive.  It is best to try and configure Layer 7 rules as granular as possible, to avoid such scenarios.

Using Layer 7 firewall rules for blocking traffic based on countries also has its caveats as well.  While it may seem more secure to block all countries other than the one the WAN appliance is located in, this can cause issues with traffic flows to certain resources that may actually be necessary for daily operations.  Certain webpages and web applications can be hosted in a country not being blocked, but they may pull supplementary data or resources from a server located in a country that is being blocked by the WAN appliance.  As a result, certain aspects may not function as intended or may fail to function altogether.  It is essential to only block countries with a Layer 7 rule if you know traffic from this country is malicious in nature.  

For more information on WAN appliance layer 7 rules please refer to the knowledge base documents for the MX Firewall Settings and Creating a Layer 7 Firewall Rule

Port Forwarding and NAT Rules

Due to the nature of the Cisco Meraki WAN appliance, all inbound traffic that did not originate from within the networks configured on the appliance will be dropped by default. This is because the Meraki WAN appliance is a stateful firewall, so the WAN appliance must be aware of or expecting incoming traffic.  For connections that originate from outside of the WAN appliance and need to be allowed in, either a port forwarding rule or a NAT rule can be configured to permit this traffic.  

Port Forwarding Rules

It is important to plan out your port forwarding rules accordingly with the traffic you are planning to let in behind the firewall. The best configuration for port forwarding rules is to plan for as narrow of a scope as possible.  Only create port forwarding rules for subsequent connections on ports that are necessary.  It is also not recommended to create port forwarding rules with "Any" for the allowed remote IP ranges.  The appropriate use-case for having the parameter "Any" in the allowed remote IP field is if you have a web server behind the WAN appliance.  If a web server is in use for the port forwarding rule, it is best to use an obscure port range for the public ports configured, as common web ports can lead to potential vulnerabilities. 




1:1 and 1:Many NAT Rules

A 1:1 rule enables traffic destined for a particular public IP address to be forwarded to a particular internal host or hosts.  This is similar in nature to a port forward, but in this case the traffic is being sent to another public IP address that is not the IP of the WAN appliance WAN interface.  This is best used when there are multiple public IP addresses available, and you do not wish to have internet-based traffic for a web server destined to the public IP of the WAN interface on the WAN appliance.  If a 1:1 NAT rule is configured for other services that are not for a web facing server, then it is best practices to limit the range of ports being used, as well as the range of remote IPs for the connection.


1 to 1 NAT example.png




1:Many NAT Rules

In some instances, particularly if the number of public IPs available to you are limited, a 1:Many NAT rule can be put in place.  This is also very similar to a port forwarding rule, but again the public IP address that traffic is destined to determines how the Cisco Meraki WAN appliance handles the traffic.  If traffic destined for that specific IP address comes in on a particular public port, then the WAN appliance will forward the traffic to an internal host based on said port.  This enables the ability to use a single public IP address for multiple services.  This also allows for a concise deployment so there are not multiple public IPs required. 




Advanced Malware Protection (AMP)

Advanced Malware Protection (AMP) is an adaptive and powerful tool that is incorporated on the Cisco Meraki WAN appliance with the Advanced Security license.  AMP scans and inspects HTTP downloads that are moving through the WAN appliance.  The WAN appliance then takes action based on the threat intelligence it receives from the AMP cloud.  If a download matches a known signature from the AMP cloud, then the WAN appliance will block the download.  With a WAN appliance, it is highly recommended to have AMP enabled and functioning so your networking environment is secure and safe from attacks. 

For more information about AMP,  please refer to the knowledge base documents Advanced Malware Protection (AMP) and Threat Protection

Intrusion Detection and Prevention (IDS/IPS)

With the Advanced Security license, Intrusion Detection and Prevention (IDS/IPS) enables the Meraki WAN appliance to inspect all incoming and outgoing traffic that is being routed internally and externally in the networking environment. IDS/IPS searches for various signature-based attacks as traffic flows through the WAN appliance. This is achieved with the various rules and signatures that are in the SNORT® intrusion detection engine. This enables the WAN appliance to detect malicious traffic and not only provides alerts that a known signature was detected, but also take action against that threat and prevent it from doing harm on the network. To ensure a secure and stable networking environment, it is recommended to have Intrusion Detection and Prevention services enabled and operating on the WAN appliance.  

For more information on IDS/IPS, please refer to the knowledge base document Threat Protection

IP Source Address Spoofing Protection

IP Source Address Spoofing Protection is a security mechanism on the Cisco Meraki WAN appliance that enables protection from malicious users on the network from impersonating other hosts and attempting to bypass security restrictions.  The WAN appliance uses several methods of traffic verification to ensure client data is authentic and not spoofed by a malicious attacker.  It is recommended to have this feature set to the mode "Block" so malicious IP spoofing events are mitigated on the network by the WAN appliance as soon as they are identified. There is the option to have the mode set to "Log" but this will not provide protection against these types of attacks, but rather just alert that malicious traffic of this nature has been detected. 


IP Source sppofing prot.png


If you would like more information about this feature on the Meraki WAN appliance, please see the knowledge document IP Source Address Spoofing Protection

Site to Site VPN

When connectivity and intercommunication is needed between different networks that are separated geographically, a site to site VPN tunnel is the best solution. The Meraki WAN appliance is equipped with all the necessary functionality for VPN tunnel communication between sites and networks.  The SD-WAN capabilities of the WAN appliance allow for other WAN appliances in the same Cisco Meraki organization to easily establish VPN tunnels to one another with a quick and simple configuration. This is achieved with the Cisco Meraki Auto VPN.

Meraki Auto VPN

The Meraki WAN appliance allows for simple and seamless integration and configuration of VPN tunnels among sites.  This is achieved with Meraki's proprietary Auto VPN functionality that allows for simple and fast configuration of site to site VPN tunnels.  Additionally, Auto VPN enables maximum uptime of the site-to-site tunnels with congruent VPN tunnels on all available WAN interfaces. VPN tunnels are built actively on all WAN interfaces on the WAN appliance that can reach the Meraki cloud.  This allows for dynamic failover and built-in redundancy with no extra configuration needed.  It is recommended to use Meraki Auto VPN between WAN appliances for essential inter-site communication. Note that Auto VPN can only be used for Meraki to Meraki communications, for Meraki devices in the same Meraki dashboard organization. Separate Meraki dashboard organizations generally represent separate SD-WAN environments.

MX Auto VPN Green.png

Auto VPN Hub and Spoke Operation

The Auto VPN feature allows an appliance to operate as either a hub or a spoke in the VPN topology. A WAN appliance configured as a hub will build a VPN tunnel to every WAN appliance that is operating as a hub and each spoke that the hub is configured as the hub appliance.  Spoke devices will build tunnels only to WAN appliances they have configured as hubs, and not to other spoke sites.  It is important to take this behavior into consideration, as configuring each WAN appliance as a spoke can cause a degradation of service in large deployments.  


MX VPN Hub and Spoke.png


It is recommended to have a Cisco Meraki WAN appliance configured as a hub if it is essential for all other WAN appliances configured in the VPN topology to have communication to networks on the hub appliance.  Typically this is effective for WAN appliances at locations where there are a large number of resources for business operations, such as at the corporate office or a datacenter.  

Hub and Spoke example.png

Client VPN

The Meraki WAN appliance includes the option to configure client VPN functionality for remote users that require access to resources hosted in your data network.  The client VPN feature allows those users to establish a secure connection to the WAN appliance from their device as long as they have a valid internet connection.  Though it is not required for full client VPN functionality, the client VPN feature has increased functionality and ease of use when it is deployed with a policy encompassed with Cisco Meraki Systems Manager installed on the user's remote device.  Meraki Systems Manager allows for a dynamic policy to be remotely pushed to the client device so the client VPN functionality is seamlessly integrated on the end device without end-user configuration.  

It is highly recommended to deploy and use the client VPN feature with the use of a Systems Manager policy, as this allows for a better experience for end-users as they will not have to do any sort of configuration on their end.  This is exceedingly useful in the event that the end-user's client VPN service is having issues connecting to the WAN appliance.  This allows administrators the ability to effectively troubleshoot the issue without needing the end-user to engage in the technical troubleshooting process; creating a more simple end customer experience. 


Client SM VPN Example.png

For more information about the Client VPN feature, please see the following knowledge base documents:

SD-WAN & Traffic Shaping

The Cisco Meraki WAN appliance includes a multitude of built-in SD-WAN functions that are easy to deploy and configure.  This allows you to have built-in monitoring and simple configuration with an easy and intuitive interface.  

Under the SD-WAN settings, the uplink connections for the WAN appliance can be configured to best fit the needs of your networking environment.  The uplink bandwidth limit can be configured and changed to best fit the requirements of the connection with your internet service provider.  It is best practice to set the throughput bandwidth to the highest possible amount based on your bandwidth set by your provider as to avoid potentially saturating the connection.  

For uplink monitoring, it is recommended to configure multiple uplink statistic test IPs on the Meraki dashboard.  This is exceptionally useful for troubleshooting purposes, as it allows the dashboard to collect and monitor data on certain connections specified.  A few examples of connections to monitor would be a general connection to the internet (Google's is configured by default), the connection to your service provider gateway, and the connection to any remote sites that may be participating in site to site VPN tunneling. 

Another feature of the functionality that the WAN appliance includes is automatic security list updates for features such as AMP, IDS/IPS, and content URL filtering.  These lists can be configured to check for changes in security rules on an hourly, daily, or weekly basis.  The best practice to ensure your environment stays secure is to have this interval set to check the security lists hourly.  The frequency of updates can be changed per each WAN uplink, including the cellular uplink as well.  




Included with the SD-WAN options is the ability to have the WAN appliance route traffic to different uplinks depending on certain scenarios. Uplink selection enables the ability of policy-based routing on the WAN appliance, which uses flow preferences for specific traffic as it heads out the WAN connection. With this tool, it is recommended to have the uplink connections be set to load balance the traffic if applicable. This is best used if there are redundant internet connections that have similar bandwidth capabilities.  

With flow preferences based on the source traffic, it is easy to shape traffic to best fit the nature of the network traffic as it transverses to the WAN connection. An example of what a flow preference may be used for is guest traffic.  To allow for a consistent and stable connection the more cost-effective secondary WAN connection can be configured to handle guest related traffic. 

Uplink selection.png

SD-WAN Policies

SD-WAN policies can be configured to control and modify the flows for specific VPN traffic. With multiple WAN uplinks, the WAN appliance will proactively build multiple tunnels with each available WAN interface.  In the case where there are redundant WAN connections on the WAN appliance, traffic flows based on the type of traffic traversing the VPN connections can also be configured to allow for best performance. Custom policies set to desired preferences can be set to ensure traffic flows take the appropriate path based on your environment.  If a WAN connection that normally handles traffic such as file transfers begins to have performance issues, the Cisco Meraki WAN appliance can dynamically change the VPN connection to an alternative WAN uplink. This is done with custom policies or predetermined policies on the dashboard. It is encouraged to configure said policies in your deployment to best fit the needs based on the nature of the traffic and the capabilities of the WAN connections available on the WAN appliance

This option appears after Active-Active Auto VPN is enabled.

Once configured, these custom VPN policies are enforced on all VPN traffic that matches the specifications you select. Example configurations can be found in the Meraki SD-WAN configuration guide.

If you do have questions about what policies are best for your deployment, you can always reach out to either a Meraki Sales Engineer or your Meraki partner for a consultation on what best fits your needs.

On MX18.2 firmware while using MultiWAN MXs SD-WAN policies and load balancing policies do not apply to WAN3. You can reference MultiWAN_Backup_Uplink 

SDWAN policies.png


Global Bandwidth Limits

In larger deployments, bandwidth limits for end-user devices can to be put in place to ensure the uplinks do not become saturated. This largely depends on the type of traffic that is seen from users, how many users are on the network, as well as the throughput capabilities of the WAN appliance and the uplinks. With more substantial deployments where there are a large number of clients, it is recommended to set a bandwidth limit on all traffic. The amount of bandwidth required per client can vary depending on the type of traffic seen in the networking environment.  

Speedburst is an option to allow clients a short window of time to exceed the bandwidth limit configured to allow, for example, a large file to transfer faster. This is a useful feature if there are users that will be handling and uploading large files frequently on the network. Speedburst is a recommended feature to enable, with the caveat that it should only be used if there are not a large number of clients that will need high amounts of bandwidth at the same time. If there are a select few users or devices that require moments of higher bandwidth then Speedburst is recommended.


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Traffic Shaping Rules

Different types of traffic require different priorities on the network.  The WAN appliance is able to prioritize and shape traffic on the local network based on the traffic type.  The Meraki dashboard offers default traffic shaping rules that best fit the needs for most deployments.  These default rules ensure best performance for local voice traffic, software updates for end client devices, and collaboration applications.  It is recommended to enable these default traffic shaping rules on the WAN appliance as it allows for simple and fast configuration for the best performance of network traffic.

Traffic Shaping rules default.png

Meraki Auto VPN

Auto VPN Best Practices

The best practices listed here focus on the most common deployment scenario, but is not intended to preclude the use of alternative topologies. The recommended SD-WAN architecture for most deployments is as follows:

  • WAN Appliance at the datacenter deployed as a one-armed concentrator

  • Warm spare/High Availability at the datacenter

  • OSPF route advertisement for scalable upstream connectivity to connected VPN subnets

  • Datacenter redundancy

  • Split tunnel VPN from the branches and remote offices

  • Dual WAN uplinks at all branches and remote offices

Auto VPN at the Branch

Before configuring and building Auto VPN tunnels, there are several configuration steps that should be reviewed.

WAN Interface Configuration

While automatic uplink configuration via DHCP is sufficient in many cases, some deployments may require manual uplink configuration of the WAN appliance at the branch. The procedure for assigning static IP addresses to WAN interfaces can be found in our MX IP assignment documentation.

Some WAN Appliance models have only one dedicated Internet port and require a LAN port be configured to act as a secondary Internet port via the device local status page if two uplink connections are required. WAN Appliance models that require reconfiguring a LAN port as a secondary Internet port currently include the MX64 line, MX67 line, and MX100 devices. This can also be verified per-model in our installation guides online. This configuration change can be performed on the device local status page on the Configure tab.

Subnet Configuration

Auto VPN allows for the addition and removal of subnets from the Auto VPN topology with a few clicks. The appropriate subnets should be configured before proceeding with the site-to-site VPN configuration.

Hub Priorities

Hub priority is based on the position of individual hubs in the list from top to bottom. The first hub has the highest priority, the second hub the second highest priority, and so on. Traffic destined for subnets advertised from multiple hubs will be sent to the highest priority hub that a) is advertising the subnet and b) currently has a working VPN connection with the spoke. Traffic to subnets advertised by only one hub is sent directly to that hub.

Configuring Allowed Networks

To allow a particular subnet to communicate across the VPN, locate the local networks section in the Site-to-site VPN page. The list of subnets is populated from the configured local subnets and static routes in the Addressing & VLANs page, as well as the Client VPN subnet if one is configured.

To allow a subnet to use the VPN, set the Use VPN drop-down to yes for that subnet.

Auto VPN at the Data Center

Deploying a One-Armed Concentrator

A one-armed concentrator is the recommended datacenter design choice for an SD-WAN deployment. The following diagram shows an example of a datacenter topology with a one-armed concentrator:


NAT Traversal

Whether to use Manual or Automatic NAT traversal is an important consideration for the VPN concentrator.

Use manual NAT traversal when:

  • There is an unfriendly NAT upstream.

  • Stringent firewall rules are in place to control what traffic is allowed to ingress or egress the datacenter.

  • It is important to know which port remote sites will use to communicate with the VPN concentrator.

If manual NAT traversal is selected, it is highly recommended that the VPN concentrator be assigned a static IP address. Manual NAT traversal is intended for configurations when all traffic for a specified port can be forward to the VPN concentrator.

Use automatic NAT traversal when:

  • None of the conditions listed above that would require manual NAT traversal exist.

If automatic NAT traversal is selected, the WAN Appliance will automatically select a high numbered UDP port to source Auto VPN traffic from. The VPN concentrator will reach out to the remote sites using this port, creating a stateful flow mapping in the upstream firewall that will also allow traffic initiated from the remote side through to the VPN concentrator without the need for a separate inbound firewall rule.

Datacenter Redundancy (DC-DC Failover)

Meraki WAN Appliances support datacenter to datacenter redundancy via our DC-DC failover implementation. The same steps used above can also be used to deploy one-armed concentrators at one or more additional data centers. For further information about VPN failover behavior and route prioritization, refer to our DC-DC Failover documentation.

This section outlines the steps required to configure and implement warm spare high availability (HA) for a WAN Appliance operating in VPN concentrator mode.


The following is an example of a topology that leverages an HA configuration for VPN concentrators:




When configured for high availability (HA), one WAN Appliance is active, serving as the primary, and the other WAN Appliance operates in a passive, standby capacity. The VRRP protocol is leveraged to achieve failover. Check out our MX Warm Spare documentation for more information.

WAN Appliance IP Assignment

In the datacenter, a WAN Appliance can operate using a static IP address or an address from DHCP. WAN appliances will attempt to pull DHCP addresses by default. It is highly recommended to assign static IP addresses to VPN concentrators.

Uplink IPs

Use Uplink IPs is selected by default for new network setups. In order to properly communicate in HA, VPN concentrator WAN Appliances must be set to use the virtual IP (VIP).

Virtual IP (VIP)

Virtual IP is an addressing option that uses an additional (third) IP address that is shared by the HA WAN Appliances. In this configuration, the WAN Appliances will send their cloud controller communications via their uplink IPs, but other traffic will be sent and received by the shared virtual IP address.

WAN Appliance Data Center Routing

The WAN Appliance acting as a VPN concentrator in the datacenter will be terminating remote subnets into the datacenter. In order for bi-directional communication to take place, the upstream network must have routes for the remote subnets that point back to the WAN Appliance acting as the VPN concentrator.

If OSPF route advertisement is not being used, static routes directing traffic destined for remote VPN subnets to the WAN Appliance VPN concentrator must be configured in the upstream routing infrastructure.

If OSPF route advertisement is enabled, upstream routers will learn routes to connected VPN subnets dynamically.

Failover Times

There are several important failover timeframes to be aware of:


Failover Time

Failback Time

Auto VPN Tunnels

30-40 seconds

30-40 seconds

DC-DC Failover

20-30 seconds

20-30 seconds

Dynamic Path Selection

Up to 30 seconds

Up to 30 seconds

Warm Spare

30 seconds or less

30 seconds or less

WAN connectivity

300 seconds or less

15-30 seconds

Configuring OSPF Route Advertisement

Meraki WAN Appliances support advertising routes to connected VPN subnets via OSPF.

A WAN Appliance with OSPF route advertisement enabled will only advertise routes via OSPF; it will not learn OSPF routes.

Note: WAN Appliances in Routed mode only support OSPF on firmware versions 13.4+, when using the "Single LAN" LAN setting. OSPF is otherwise supported when the WAN Appliance is in passthrough mode on any available firmware version. This can be set under Security & SD-WAN > Configure > Addressing & VLANs

When spoke sites are connected to a hub WAN Appliance, the routes to spoke sites are advertised using an LS Update message. These routes are advertised as type 2 external routes.

BGP and Auto VPN

BGP VPNs are utilized for Data Center Failover and load sharing. This is accomplished by placing VPN Concentrators at each Data Center. Each VPN Concentrator will utilize BGP with DC edge devices. BGP is utilized for its scalability and tuning capabilities.

More information about implementing BGP and its use cases can be found in our BGP documentation.

Auto VPN Technology Deep Dive

The Meraki WANAppliance makes use of several types of outbound communication. Configuration of the upstream firewall may be required to allow this communication.

Dashboard & Cloud

The Meraki WAN Appliance is a cloud managed networking device. As such, it is important to ensure that the necessary firewall policies are in place to allow for monitoring and configuration via the Meraki dashboard. The relevant destination ports and IP addresses can be found under the Help > Firewall Info page in the dashboard.

VPN Registry

Meraki's Auto VPN technology leverages a cloud-based registry service to orchestrate VPN connectivity. In order for successful Auto VPN connections to establish, the upstream firewall must allow the VPN concentrator to communicate with the VPN registry service. The relevant destination ports and IP addresses may vary by region, and can be found under the Help > Firewall Info page in the dashboard.

The WAN Appliance also performs periodic uplink health checks by reaching out to well-known Internet destinations using common protocols. The full behavior is outlined here. In order to allow for proper uplink monitoring, the following communications must also be allowed:

  • DNS test to

  • Internet test to

VPN Registry

In order to participate in Auto VPN a WAN Appliance must register with the Meraki VPN registry. The VPN registry is a cloud-based system that stores data needed to connect all WAN Appliances into an orchestrated VPN system. The VPN registry is always on and always updating in the case of a connection failure. This means no manual intervention is needed in the case of reboots, new public IP addresses hardware failovers etc. The VPN registry stores the following information for each WAN Appliance:

  • Subnets (for creating the VPN route table)

  • Uplink IP (public or private)

  • Public IP

The process for adding a new WAN Appliance into an infrastructure is as follows:

  1. A new WAN Appliance reports its uplink IP address(es) and shared subnets to the registry

  2. The information is propagated to the other WAN Appliances in the infrastructure

  3. The WAN Appliance establishes the proper VPN tunnels

    1. The WAN Appliance will try the registry-reported private uplink IP of the peer first

    2. If a connection to the private uplink IP of the peer fails, the WAN Appliance will try the public uplink IP of its peer


Auto VPN Routing

The VPN Registry stores the relevant information including, local routes participating in VPN for a particular Meraki Auto VPN infrastructure.  In the case of a failure, additional VPN device, or hub change the system automatically reconverges without any end user interaction. By updating all VPN routes to all devices in the system Auto VPN acts like a routing protocol and converges the system to maintain stability.

High Availability


Key use case

Cost consideration

Failover time

HW Redundancy

Mitigate a WAN Appliance HW failure using 2 devices on the same broadcast domain

Two devices are required but only a single license

Less than 30 seconds (for hardware failover, not necessarily VPN failover)

DC DC Failover

Mitigate any problem that could prevent a spoke from reaching its primary hub

Two devices and two licenses are required

Between 30 seconds and 5 minutes (SD-WAN allows for faster failover)

Hardware Redundancy in VPN Concentrator Mode

WAN Appliance VPN Concentrator warm spare is used to provide high availability for a Meraki Auto VPN head-end appliance. Each concentrator has its own IP address to exchange management traffic with the Meraki Cloud. However, the concentrators also share a virtual IP address that is used for non-management communication.


WAN Appliance VPN Concentrator - Warm Spare Setup

Before deploying WAN Appliances as one-arm VPN concentrators, place them into Passthrough or VPN Concentrator mode on the Addressing and VLANs page. In one-armed VPN concentrator mode, the units in the pair are connected to the network "only" via their respective ‘Internet’ ports. Make sure they are NOT connected directly via their LAN ports. Each WAN Appliance must be within the same IP subnet and able to communicate with each other, as well as with the Meraki dashboard. Only VPN traffic is routed to the WAN Appliance, and both ingress and egress packets are sent through the same interface.

WAN Appliance VPN Concentrator - Virtual IP Assignment

The virtual IP address (VIP) is shared by both the primary and warm spare VPN concentrator. VPN traffic is sent to the VIP rather than the physical IP addresses of the individual concentrators. The virtual IP is configured by navigating to Security & SD-WAN > Monitor >Appliance status when a warm spare is configured. It must be in the same subnet as the IP addresses of both appliances, and it must be unique. It cannot be the same as either the primary or warm spare's IP address.

The two concentrators share health information over the network via the VRRP protocol. Failure detection does not depend on connectivity to the Internet/Meraki dashboard.

WAN Appliance VPN Concentrator - Failure Detection

In the event that the primary unit fails, the warm spare will assume the primary role until the original primary is back online. When the primary VPN concentrator is back online and the spare begins receiving VRRP heartbeats again, the warm spare concentrator will relinquish the active role back to the primary concentrator. The total time for failure detection, failover to the warm spare concentrator, and ability to start processing VPN packets is typically less than 30 seconds.

WAN Appliance Warm Spare Alerting

There are a number of options available in the Meraki dashboard for email alerts to be sent when certain network or device events occur, such as when a warm spare transition occurs. This is a recommended configuration option and allows a network administrator to be informed in the event of a failover.

The event, “A warm spare failover occurs,” sends an email if the primary WAN Appliance of a High Availability pair fails over to the spare, or vice-versa.

This alert and others, can be referenced in our article on Configuring Network Alerts in Dashboard.

If you are having difficulties getting warm spare to function as expected, please refer to our MX Warm Spare - High Availability Pair document.

HW Redundancy in NAT mode

WAN Appliance NAT Mode – Warm Spare

WAN Appliance NAT Mode Warm Spare is used to provide redundancy for internet connectivity and appliance services when a WAN Appliance is being used as a NAT gateway.

WAN Appliance NAT Mode - Warm Spare Setup

In NAT mode, the units in the HA pair are connected to the ISP or ISPs via their respective Internet ports, and the internal networks are connected via the LAN ports.

WAN configuration: Each appliance must have its own IP address to exchange management traffic with the Meraki cloud. If the primary appliance is using a secondary uplink, the secondary uplink should also be in place on the warm spare. A shared virtual IP, while not required, will significantly reduce the impact of a failover on clients whose traffic is passing through the appliance. Virtual IPs can be configured for both uplinks.

LAN configuration: LAN IP addresses are configured based on the Appliance IPs in any configured VLANs. No virtual IPs are required on the LAN.

Additional warm spare configuration details can be found in our article, MX Warm Spare - High Availability Pair.

WAN Appliance NAT Mode - Virtual IP Assignment

Virtual IP addresses (vPs) are shared by both the primary and warm spare appliance. Inbound and outbound traffic uses this address to maintain the same IP address during a failover to reduce disruption. The virtual IPs are configured on the Security & SD-WAN > Monitor > Appliance status page. If two uplinks are configured, a vIP can be configured for each uplink. Each vIP must be in the same subnet as the IP addresses of the appliance uplink it is configured for, and it must be unique. It cannot be the same as either the primary or warm spare's IP address.

WAN Appliance NAT Mode - Failure Detection

There are two failure detection methods for NAT mode warm spare. Failure detection does not depend on connectivity to the Internet / Meraki dashboard.

WAN Failover: WAN monitoring is performed using the same internet connectivity tests that are used for uplink failover. If the primary appliance does not have a valid Internet connection based on these tests, it will stop sending VRRP heartbeats which will result in a failover. When uplink connectivity on the original primary appliance is restored and the warm spare begins receiving VRRP heartbeats again, it will relinquish the active role back to the primary appliance.

LAN Failover: The two appliances share health information over the network via the VRRP protocol. These VRRP heartbeats occur at layer 2 and are performed on all configured VLANs. If no advertisements reach the spare on any VLAN, it will trigger a failover. When the warm spare begins receiving VRRP heartbeats again, it will relinquish the active role back to the primary appliance.

WAN Appliance NAT Mode – DHCP Synchronisation

The WAN Appliances in a NAT mode high availability pair exchange DHCP state information over the LAN. This prevents a DHCP IP address from being handed out to a client after a failover if it has already been assigned to another client prior to the failover.

DC-DC Failover - Hub/Data Center Redundancy (Disaster Recovery)

Meraki's WAN Appliance Datacenter Redundancy (DC-DC Failover) allows for network traffic sent across Auto VPN to failover between multiple geographically distributed datacenters.


DC Failover Architecture

A DC-DC failover architecture is as follows:

  • One-armed VPN concentrators or NAT mode concentrators in each DC

  • A subnet(s) or static route(s) advertised by two or more concentrators

  • Hub & Spoke or VPN Mesh topology

  • Split or full tunnel configuration

Operation and Failover

Deploying one or more WAN Appliances to act as VPN concentrators in additional data centers provides greater redundancy for critical network services. In a dual- or multi-datacenter configuration, identical subnets are advertised from each datacenter with a VPN concentrator mode WAN Appliance.

In a DC-DC failover design, a remote site will form VPN tunnels to all configured VPN hubs for the network. For subnets that are unique to a particular hub, traffic will be routed directly to that hub. For subnets that are advertised from multiple hubs, spoke sites will send traffic to the highest priority hub that is reachable.

When a WAN Appliance is configured to connect to multiple VPN concentrators advertising the same subnets, the routes to those subnets become tracked. Hello messages are periodically sent across the tunnels from the remote site to the VPN hubs to monitor connectivity. If the tunnel to the highest priority hub goes down, the route is removed from the route table and traffic is routed to the next highest priority hub that is reachable. This route failover operation only applies when identical routes are advertised from multiple Auto VPN hubs.

Concentrator Priority

When multiple VPN hubs are configured for an organization, the concentrator priority can be configured for the organization. This concentrator priority setting determines the order in which VPN mesh peers will prefer to connect to subnets advertised by multiple VPN concentrators.

This setting does not apply to remote sites configured as VPN spokes.

Other Datacenter Considerations

When implementing an DC-DC architecture, a warm spare concentrator configuration (see warm spare section above) and OSPF route advertisement should always be taken into consideration for WAN Appliances acting as VPN concentrators in a datacenter. Additionally, route flow logic should be considered for all applications in the deployment environment to ensure availability requirements are met. To assist with better understanding DC-initiated flows, please refer below.

Supported VPN Architectures

VPN Topologies

There are several options available for the structure of the VPN deployment.

Split Tunnel

In this configuration, branches will only send traffic across the VPN if it is destined for a specific subnet that is being advertised by another WAN Appliance in the same dashboard organization. The remaining traffic will be checked against other available routes, such as static LAN routes and third-party VPN routes, and if not matched will be NATed and sent out from the branch WAN Appliance unencrypted.


Full Tunnel  

In full tunnel mode all traffic that the branch or remote office does not have another route to is sent to a VPN hub.


Hub and Spoke

In a hub and spoke configuration, the WAN appliances at the branches and remote offices connect directly to specific WAN Appliances and will not form tunnels to other WAN Appliance or Teleworker devices in the organization. Communication between branch sites or remote offices is available through the configured VPN hubs. This is the recommended VPN topology for most SD-WAN deployments.

  • Hub and Spoke - Total Tunnel Count

    Where H is the number of hubs, S is the number of spokes and L is the number of uplinks the WAN Appliance has (LH for the hubs, LS for the spokes).  If each WAN Appliance has a different number of uplinks then a sum series, as opposed to a multiplication will be required.

For example, if all WAN Appliances have 2 uplinks, we have 4 hubs and 100 spokes, then the total number of VPN tunnels would be 24 + 1600 = 1624.

Standard Hub & Spoke



How it works:

Utilizing the standard Meraki Auto VPN registry to ascertain how the VPN tunnels configured need to form (i.e. via public address space or via private interface address space) as described in Configuring Site-to-site VPN over MPLS.

When should it be used?

Whenever possible. It is strongly recommended that this model is the 1st, 2nd and 3rd option when designing a network. Only if the deployment has an exceptionally strong requirement should one of the following hub and spoke derivatives be considered.

VPN Mesh

It is also possible to use a VPN mesh configuration in an SD-WAN deployment.

In a mesh configuration, a WAN Appliance at the branch or remote office is configured to connect directly to any other WAN Appliances in the organization that are also in mesh mode, as well as any spoke WAN Appliances that are configured to use it as a hub.

  • Full Mesh - Total Tunnel Count

    Where H is the number of WAN Appliances and L is the number of uplinks each WAN Appliance has.

For example, if all WAN Appliances have 2 uplinks and there are 50 WAN Appliances, then the total number of VPN tunnels would be 4900 and every WAN Appliance would have to be able to support 196 tunnels from the number of VPN peers for a single WAN Appliance (49) multiplied by the number of VPN tunnels between each peer (4), in this case, we would need 50 MX100s as a minimum.

China Auto VPN

With regulatory constraints imposed by the Chinese government, specific architecture requirements are needed to deploy and interconnect the Auto VPN domain within China to the rest of the world.

Secure VPN technology provides the most cost-effective connectivity under most circumstances. Chinese regulations have placed restrictions affecting VPN technologies across international borders. For enterprises to achieve cross border connections, there are two options.

  1. The enterprise can directly lease international dedicated lines from the 3 Chinese telecom carriers (China Telecom, China Mobile, China Unicom) in China.

  2. Additionally, the enterprise can directly delegate a foreign telecom carrier with a presence in China to rent the international dedicated line (including VPN) from the 3 Chinese telecom carriers, and connect the corporate private network and equipment.

Note: The above cross-border connection methods must be used only for internal data exchange and office use. (Current as of 3 February 2018, subject to further regulatory developments.)

All devices located within mainland China will connect to Meraki China servers also located within China. Currently, only enterprise licensing is available for WAN Appliances located within China.

China Auto VPN Architecture



In the above diagram, we are utilizing Meraki Auto VPN to connect the enterprise sites inside China. The above diagram also demonstrates the Chinese government-approved dedicated circuits connecting the Chinese parts of the enterprise to the rest of the global enterprise. Dynamic routing such as BGP or OSPF can be utilized to exchange routing information between the domains.

Meraki SD-WAN


All Cisco Meraki WAN Appliances are equipped with SD-WAN capabilities that enable administrators to maximize network resiliency and bandwidth efficiency. This guide introduces the various components of Meraki SD-WAN and the possible ways in which to deploy a Meraki AutoVPN architecture to leverage SD-WAN functionality, with a focus on the recommended deployment architecture.

What is SD-WAN?

Software-defined WAN (SD-WAN) is a suite of features designed to allow the network to dynamically adjust to changing WAN conditions without the need for manual intervention by the network administrator. By providing granular control over how certain traffic types respond to changes in WAN availability and performance, SD-WAN can ensure optimal performance for critical applications and help to avoid disruptions of highly performance-sensitive traffic, such as VoIP. Additionally, SD-WAN can be a scalable and often much cheaper alternative to traditional WAN circuits like MPLS lines.

Key Concepts

Before deploying SD-WAN, it is important to understand several key concepts.

Concentrator Mode

All WAN Appliances can be configured in either NAT or VPN concentrator mode. There are important considerations for both modes. For more detailed information on concentrator modes, click here.

One-Armed Concentrator

In this mode, the WAN Appliance is configured with a single Ethernet connection to the upstream network. All traffic will be sent and received on this interface. This is the recommended configuration for WAN Appliances serving as VPN termination points into the datacenter.

NAT Mode Concentrator

It is also possible to take advantage of the SD-WAN feature set with an WAN Appliance configured in NAT mode acting as the VPN termination point in the datacenter.

VPN Topology

There are several topology options available for VPN deployment.

Split Tunnel

In this configuration, branches will only send traffic across the VPN if it is destined for a specific subnet that is being advertised by another WAN Appliance in the same Dashboard organization. The remaining traffic will be checked against other available routes, such as static LAN routes and third-party VPN routes, and if not matched will be NATed to the WAN Appliance WAN IP address and sent out of WAN interface of the branch WAN Appliance, unencrypted.

Full Tunnel

In full tunnel mode all traffic that the branch or remote office does not have another route to is sent to a VPN hub.

Hub and Spoke

In a hub and spoke configuration, the WAN Appliances at the branches and remote offices connect directly to specific WAN Appliances and will not form tunnels to other WAN Appliance or Teleworker devices in the organization. Communication between branch sites or remote offices is available through the configured VPN hubs. This is the recommended VPN topology for most SD-WAN deployments.

VPN Mesh

It is also possible to use a VPN "mesh" configuration in an SD-WAN deployment.

In a mesh configuration, a WAN Appliance at the branch or remote office is configured to connect directly to any other WAN Appliances in the organization that are also in mesh mode, as well as any spoke WAN Appliances  that are configured to use it as a hub.

Datacenter Redundancy (DC-DC Failover)

Deploying one or more WAN Appliances to act as VPN concentrators in additional datacenters provides greater redundancy for critical network services. In a dual- or multi-datacenter configuration, identical subnets can be advertised from each datacenter with a VPN concentrator mode WAN Appliance.

In a DC-DC failover design, a spoke site will form VPN tunnels to all VPN hubs that are configured for that site. For subnets that are unique to a particular hub, traffic will be routed directly to that hub so long as tunnels between the spoke and hub are established successfully. For subnets that are advertised from multiple hubs, spokes sites will send traffic to the highest priority hub that is reachable.

Warm Spare (High Availability) for VPN concentrators

When configured for high availability (HA), one WAN Appliance serves as the primary unit and the other WAN Appliance operates as a spare. All traffic flows through the primary WAN Appliance, while the spare operates as an added layer of redundancy in the event of failure.

Failover between WAN Appliances in an HA configuration leverages VRRP heartbeat packets. These heartbeat packets are sent from the Primary WAN Appliance to the Spare WAN Appliance out the singular uplink in order to indicate that the Primary is online and functioning properly. As long as the Spare is receiving these heartbeat packets, it functions in the passive state. If the Passive stops receiving these heartbeat packets, it will assume that the Primary is offline and will transition into the active state. In order to receive these heartbeats, both VPN concentrator WAN Appliances should have uplinks on the same subnet within the datacenter.

Only one MX license is required for the HA pair, as only a single device is in full operation at any given time.

Connection Monitor

Connection monitor is an uplink monitoring engine built into every WAN Appliance. The mechanics of the engine are described in this article.

SD-WAN Technologies

The Meraki SD-WAN implementation is comprised of several key features, built atop our AutoVPN technology.

Prior to the SD-WAN release, Auto VPN tunnels would only form only over a single interface. With the SD-WAN release, it is now possible to form concurrent AutoVPN tunnels over both Internet interfaces of the WAN Appliance.

The ability to form and send traffic over VPN tunnels on both interfaces significantly increases the flexibility of traffic path and routing decisions in AutoVPN deployments. In addition to providing administrators with the ability to load balance VPN traffic across multiple links, it also allows them to leverage the additional path to the datacenter in a variety of ways using the built-in Policy-based Routing and dynamic path selection capabilities of the WAN Appliance.

Policy-Based Routing (PbR)

Policy-based Routing allows an administrator to configure preferred VPN paths for different traffic flows based on their source and destination IPs and ports.

Dynamic Path Selection

Dynamic path selection allows a network administrator to configure performance criteria for different types of traffic. Path decisions are then made on a per-flow basis based on which of the available VPN tunnels meet these criteria, determined by using packet loss, latency, and jitter metrics that are automatically gathered by the WAN Appliance.

Performance Probes

Performance-based decisions rely on an accurate and consistent stream of information about current WAN conditions in order to ensure that the optimal path is used for each traffic flow. This information is collected via the use of performance probes.

The performance probe is a small payload (approximately 100 bytes) of UDP data sent by spokes to hubs or by hubs to other hubs over all established AutoVPN tunnels every 1 second. WAN Appliances track the rate of successful responses and the time that elapses before receiving a response. This data allows the WAN Appliance to determine the packet loss, latency, and jitter over each AutoVPN tunnel in order to make the necessary performance-based decisions.

High-Level Architecture

This guide focuses on the most common deployment scenario but is not intended to preclude the use of alternative topologies. The recommended SD-WAN architecture for most deployments is as follows:

  • WAN Appliance at the datacenter deployed as a one-armed concentrator.
  • Warm spare/High Availability at the datacenter.
  • OSPF route advertisement for scalable upstream connectivity to connected VPN subnets.
  • Datacenter redundancy
  • Split tunnel VPN from the branches and remote offices
  • Dual WAN uplinks at all branches and remote offices
SD-WAN Objectives

This guide focuses on two key SD-WAN objectives:

  • Redundancy for critical network services

  • Dynamic selection of the optimal path for VoIP traffic

Example Topology

The following topology demonstrates a fully featured SD-WAN deployment, including DC-DC failover for the redundancy.


Both tunnels from a branch or remote office location terminate at the single interface used on the one-armed concentrator.

High Level Traffic Flow

The decisions for path selection for VPN traffic are made based on a few key decision points:

  • Whether VPN tunnels can be established on both interfaces
  • Whether dynamic path selection rules are configured
  • Whether Policy-based Routing rules are configured
  • Whether load balancing is enabled

If tunnels are established on both interfaces, dynamic path selection is used to determine which paths meet the minimum performance criteria for particular traffic flow. Those paths are then evaluated against the policy-based routing and load balancing configurations.

For a more detailed description of traffic flow with an SD-WAN configuration, please see the appendix.

Failover Times

There are several important failover timeframes to be aware of:

Service Failover Time Failback Time SD-WAN
SD-WAN (Dynamic path selection) Sub-second* Sub-second* Yes
AutoVPN Tunnels 30-40 seconds 30-40 seconds No 
DC-DC Failover 20-30 seconds 20-30 seconds No
Warm Spare 30 seconds or less 30 seconds or less No
WAN connectivity 300 seconds or less** 15-30 seconds No

* - Failover times listed here depend on the policy type and configuration. With an Active-Active AutoVPN and performance-based failover rules configured, failover will occur in ~500ms for a packet loss threshold <5% (a custom performance class policy).  

In the instances of complete circuit failure (uplink physically disconnected) the time to failover to a secondary path is near instantaneous; less than 100ms.

** - Note that 300 seconds is an absolutely worst case failover for a WAN Appliance in OAC/VPNC mode experiencing an intermittent upstream WAN service degradation (connection monitor based failure). Note that 300 seconds WAN connectivity failover is NOT an SD-WAN failover.

Tunnel Recovery

In certain instances, the upstream NAT device may fail to maintain AutoVPN flows for extended periods of time. In the event that this happens, the WAN Appliance is set to Automatic NAT traversal and the WAN Appliance is unable to reach all configured peers for ten minutes, the WAN Appliance will automatically select new ports and try to initialize a new connection to reestablish the AutoVPN tunnels. The WAN Appliance will record these events in the event log under the topic “VPN tunnel connectivity change”.

Datacenter Deployment

This section will outline the configuration and implementation of the SD-WAN architecture in the datacenter.

Deploying a One-Armed Concentrator

Example Topology

A one-armed concentrator is the recommended datacenter design choice for an SD-WAN deployment. The following diagram shows an example of a datacenter topology with a one-armed concentrator:

Screen Shot 2015-12-11 at 1.37.53 PM.png

Dashboard Configuration

The Cisco Meraki Dashboard configuration can be done either before or after bringing the unit online.

  1. Begin by configuring the WAN Appliance to operate in VPN Concentrator mode. This setting is found on the Security & SD-WAN > Configure > Addressing & VLANs page. The WAN Appliance will be set to operate in Routed mode by default.

new addressing & vlans page - passthrough mode.PNG


  1. Next, configure the Site-to-Site VPN parameters. This setting is found on the Security & SD-WAN > Configure > Site-to-site VPN page.

  2. Begin by setting the type to "Hub (Mesh)."
  3. Configure the local networks that are accessible upstream of this VPN concentrator.
    1. For the Name, specify a descriptive title for the subnet.

    2. For the Subnet, specify the subnet to be advertised to other AutoVPN peers using CIDR notation

  4. NAT traversal can be set to either automatic or manual. See below for more details on these two options.

  5. An example screenshot is included below:

       hub mesh local networks new screenshot.PNG

NAT Traversal

Whether to use Manual or Automatic NAT traversal is an important consideration for the VPN concentrator.

Use manual NAT traversal when:

  • There is an unfriendly NAT upstream
  • Stringent firewall rules are in place to control what traffic is allowed to ingress or egress the datacenter
  • It is important to know which port remote sites will use to communicate with the VPN concentrator

If manual NAT traversal is selected, it is highly recommended that the VPN concentrator be assigned a static IP address. Manual NAT traversal is intended for configurations when all traffic for a specified port can be forward to the VPN concentrator.

Use automatic NAT traversal when:

  • None of the conditions listed above that would require manual NAT traversal exist

If automatic NAT traversal is selected, the WAN Appliance will automatically select a high numbered UDP port to source AutoVPN traffic from. The VPN concentrator will reach out to the remote sites using this port, creating a stateful flow mapping in the upstream firewall that will also allow traffic initiated from the remote side through to the VPN concentrator without the need for a separate inbound firewall rule.

Adding Warm Spare

This section outlines the steps required to configure and implement warm spare (HA) for a WAN Appliance operating in VPN concentrator mode.

Warm Spare Topology

The following is an example of a topology that leverages an HA configuration for VPN concentrators:

Screen Shot 2015-12-11 at 1.37.30 PM.png


When configured for high availability (HA), one WAN Appliance is active, serving as the primary, and the other WAN Appliance operates in a passive, standby capacity (spare mode). The VRRP protocol is leveraged to achieve failover. Please see here for more information.

Dashboard Configuration

High availability on WAN Appliances requires a second WAN Appliance of the same model. The HA implementation is active/passive and will require the second MX also be connected and online for proper functionality. For more detailed information about MX warm spare, please see here.

High availability (also known as a warm spare) can be configured from Security & SD-WAN > Monitor > Appliance status. Begin by clicking "Configure warm spare" and then "Enabled". Next, enter the serial number of the warm spare WAN Appliance or select one from the drop-down menu. Finally, select whether to use WAN Appliance uplink IPs or virtual uplink IPs.

Uplink IPs

Use Uplink IPs is selected by default for new network setups. In order to properly communicate in HA, VPN concentrator WAN Appliances must be set to use the virtual IP (VIP).

Virtual IP (VIP)

The virtual uplink IPs option uses an additional IP address that is shared by the HA WAN Appliances. In this configuration, the WAN Appliances will send their cloud controller communications via their uplink IPs, but other traffic will be sent and received by the shared virtual IP address.

new warm spare configuration.PNG

Configuring OSPF Route Advertisement

WAN Appliances support advertising routes to connected VPN subnets via OSPF.

Note: WAN Appliances in Routed mode only support OSPF on firmware versions 13.4+, when using the "Single LAN" LAN setting. OSPF is otherwise supported when the WAN Appliance is in Passthrough or VPN Concentrator mode on any available firmware version. This can be set under Security & SD-WAN > Configure > Addressing & VLANs.


A WAN Appliance with OSPF route advertisement enabled will only advertise routes via OSPF; it will not learn OSPF routes.

When spoke sites are connected to a hub WAN Appliance with OSPF enabled, the routes to spokes sites are advertised using an LS Update message. These routes are advertised as type 2 external routes.


Dashboard Configuration

In order to configure OSPF route advertisement, navigate to the Security & SD-WAN > Configure > Site-to-Site VPN page. From this page:

  • Set OSPF to Enabled
  • Configure the Router ID
  • Configure the Area ID
  • Adjust the Cost, if desired
  • Adjust the Hello timer, if needed
  • Adjust the Dead timer, if needed
  • Enable and configure MD5 authentication, if needed




Other Datacenter Configuration

WAN Appliance IP Assignment

In the datacenter, a WAN Appliance can operate using a static IP address or an address from DHCP. WAN Appliances will attempt to pull DHCP addresses by default. It is highly recommended to assign static IP addresses to VPN concentrators.

Static IP assignment can be configured via the device local status page.

The local status page can also be used to configure VLAN tagging on the uplink of the WAN Appliance. It is important to take note of the following scenarios:

  • If the upstream port is configured as an access port, VLAN tagging should not be enabled.
  • If the port upstream is configured as a trunk port and the WAN Appliance should communicate on the native or default VLAN, VLAN tagging should be left as disabled.
  • If the port upstream is configured as a trunk and the WAN Appliance should communicate on a VLAN other than the native or default VLAN, VLAN tagging should be configured for the appropriate VLAN ID.

Upstream Considerations

This section discusses configuration considerations for other components of the datacenter network.


The WAN Appliance acting as a VPN concentrator in the datacenter will be terminating remote subnets into the datacenter. In order for bi-directional communication to take place, the upstream network must have routes for the remote subnets that point back to the WAN Appliance acting as the VPN concentrator.

If OSPF route advertisement is not being used, static routes directing traffic destined for remote VPN subnets to the WAN Appliance VPN concentrator must be configured in the upstream routing infrastructure.

If OSPF route advertisement is enabled, upstream routers will learn routes to connected VPN subnets dynamically.

Firewall Considerations

The WAN Appliance makes use of several types of outbound communication. Configuration of the upstream firewall may be required to allow this communication.

Dashboard & Cloud

The WAN Appliance is a cloud managed networking device. As such, it is important to ensure that the necessary firewall policies are in place to allow for monitoring and configuration via the Cisco Meraki Dashboard. The relevant destination ports and IP addresses can be found under the Help > Firewall Info page in the Dashboard.

VPN Registry

Cisco Meraki's AutoVPN technology leverages a cloud-based registry service to orchestrate VPN connectivity. In order for successful AutoVPN connections to establish, the upstream firewall mush to allow the VPN concentrator to communicate with the VPN registry service. The relevant destination ports and IP addresses can be found under the Help > Firewall Info page in the Dashboard.

Uplink Health Monitoring

The WAN Appliance also performs periodic uplink health checks by reaching out to well-known Internet destinations using common protocols. The full behavior is outlined here. In order to allow for proper uplink monitoring, the following communications must also be allowed:

  • ICMP to (Google's public DNS service)
  • HTTP port 80
  • DNS to the WAN Appliance's configured DNS server(s)

Datacenter Redundancy (DC-DC Failover)

Cisco Meraki WAN Appliances support datacenter to datacenter redundancy via our DC-DC failover implementation. The same steps used above can also be used to deploy one-armed concentrators at one or more additional datacenters. For further information about VPN failover behavior and route prioritization, please review this article.

Branch Deployment

This section will outline the configuration and implementation of the SD-WAN architecture in the branch.

Configuring AutoVPN at the Branch

Before configuring and building AutoVPN tunnels, there are several configuration steps that should be reviewed.

Subnet Configuration

AutoVPN allows for the addition and removal of subnets from the AutoVPN topology with a few clicks. The appropriate subnets should be configured before proceeding with the site-to-site VPN configuration.

Begin by configuring the subnets to be used at the branch from the Security & SD-WAN > Configure > Addressing & VLANs page.


Single LAN Settings.png


By default, a single subnet is generated for the WAN Appliance network, with VLANs disabled. In this configuration, a single subnet and any necessary static routes can be configured without the need to manage VLAN configurations.

If multiple subnets are required or VLANs are desired, the VLANs box should be toggled. This allows for the creation of multiple VLANs, as well as allowing for VLAN settings to be configured on a per-port basis.

Configuring AutoVPN

Once the subnets have been configured, Cisco Meraki's AutoVPN can be configured via the Security & SD-WAN > Configure > Site-to-site VPN page in Dashboard.

Configuring Hub and Spoke VPN

From the Security & SD-WAN > Configure > Site-to-Site VPN page:

  • Select Spoke for the type
  • Under Hubs, select Add a hub
  • To connect to additional hubs, select Add a hub and select the VPN concentrator configured in the datacenter deployment steps.
  • Additional hubs can be added using the Add a hub link

s2s vpn new page spoke.PNG

Hub Priorities

Hub priority is based on the position of individual hubs in the list from top to bottom. The first hub has the highest priority, the second hub the second highest priority, and so on. Traffic destined for subnets advertised from multiple hubs will be sent to the highest priority hub that a) is advertising the subnet and b) currently has a working VPN connection with the spoke. Traffic to subnets advertised by only one hub is sent directly to that hub.

Configuring Allowed Networks

To allow a particular subnet to communicate across the VPN, locate the local networks section in the Site-to-site VPN page. The list of subnets is populated from the configured local subnets and static routes in the Addressing & VLANs page, as well as the Client VPN subnet if one is configured.

To allow a subnet to use the VPN, set the Use VPN drop-down to yes for that subnet.

NAT Traversal

Please refer to the datacenter deployment steps here for more information on NAT Traversal options.

Adding Performance and Policy Rules

Rules for routing of VPN traffic can be configured on the Security & SD-WAN > Configure > SD-WAN & traffic shaping page in the dashboard.

Settings to configure Policy-based Routing (PbR) and dynamic path selection are found under the SD-WAN policies heading.

sd-wan & traffic shaping page - new.PNG


The following sections contain guidance on configuring several example rules.

Best for VoIP

One of the most common uses of traffic optimization is for VoIP traffic, which is very sensitive to loss, latency, and jitter. The Cisco Meraki WAN Appliance has a default performance rule in place for VoIP traffic, Best for VoIP.

To configure this rule, click Add a preference under the VPN traffic section.

new vpn performance class rules.PNG 

In the Uplink selection policy dialogue, select Custom expressions, then UDP as the protocol and enter the appropriate source and destination IP address and ports for the traffic filter. Select the Best for VoIP policy for the preferred uplink, then save the changes.

This rule will evaluate the loss, latency, and jitter of established VPN tunnels and send flows matching the configured traffic filter over the optimal VPN path for VoIP traffic, based on the current network conditions.

Load Balance Video

Video traffic is increasingly prevalent as technologies like Cisco video conferencing continue to be adopted and integrated into everyday business operations. This branch site will leverage another pre-built performance rule for video streaming and will load balance traffic across both Internet uplinks to take full advantage of available bandwidth.

To configure this, click Add a preference under the VPN traffic section.

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In the Uplink selection policy dialogue, select UDP as the protocol and enter the appropriate source and destination IP address and ports for the traffic filter. For the policy, select Load balance for the Preferred uplink. Next, set the policy to only apply on uplinks that meet the Video streaming performance category. Finally, save the changes.

This policy monitors loss, latency, and jitter over VPN tunnels and will load balance flows matching the traffic filter across VPN tunnels that match the video streaming performance criteria.

PbR with Performance Failover for Web traffic

Web traffic is another common type of traffic that a network administrator may wish to optimize or control. This branch will leverage a PbR rule to send web traffic over VPN tunnels formed on the WAN 1 interface, but only if that matches a custom-configured performance class.

To configure this, select Create a new custom performance class under the Custom performance classes section.

new custom performance classes.PNG

In the Name field, enter a descriptive title for this custom class. Specify the maximum latency, jitter, and packet loss allowed for this traffic filter. This branch will use a "Web" custom rule based on a maximum loss threshold. Then, save the changes.

Next, click Add a preference" under the VPN traffic section.

web vpn custom class new.PNG

In the Uplink selection policy dialogue, select TCP as the protocol and enter in the appropriate source and destination IP address and ports for the traffic filter. For the policy, select WAN1 for the Preferred uplink. Next, configure the rule such that web traffic will Failover if there is Poor performance. For the Performance class, select "Web". Then, save the changes.

This rule will evaluate the packet loss of established VPN tunnels and send flows matching the traffic filter out of the preferred uplink. If the loss, latency, or jitter thresholds in the "Web" performance rule are exceeded, traffic can fail over to tunnels on WAN2 (assuming they meet the configured performance criteria).

Layer 7 Classification
Best for VoIP

To configure this rule, click Add a preference under the VPN traffic section.


In the uplink selection policy dialogue, click Add+ to configure a new traffic filter. From the filter selection menu, click the VoIP & video conferencing category and then select the desired layer 7 rules. This example will use the SIP (Voice) rule.


Then, select the Best for VoIP performance class for the preferred uplink and save the changes. This rule will evaluate the loss, latency, and jitter of established VPN tunnels and send flows matching the configured traffic filter over the optimal VPN path for VoIP traffic, based on the current network conditions.

WAN Interface Configuration

While automatic uplink configuration via DHCP is sufficient in many cases, some deployments may require manual uplink configuration of the WAN Appliance at the branch. The procedure for assigning static IP addresses to WAN interfaces can be found here.

Some WAN Appliance models have only one dedicated Internet port and require a LAN port be configured to act as a secondary Internet port via the device local status page if two uplink connections are required. This configuration change can be performed on the device local status page on the Configure tab.

To use SD-WAN over cellular the WAN Appliance needs to be running MX16.2+ and have the feature enabled on an integrated cellular MX (MX67C and MX68CW only).

With this feature in place the cellular connection that was previously only enabled as backup can be configured as an active uplink in the SD-WAN & traffic shaping page as per:

Screenshot 2021-06-23 at 08.22.45.png

When this toggle is set to 'Enabled' the cellular interface details, found on the 'Uplink' tab of the 'Appliance status' page, will show as 'Active' even when a wired connection is also active, as per the below:

Screenshot 2020-11-26 at 15.38.32.png

At this point, the cellular connection inherits all the SD-WAN policies associated with WAN2 in the UI. Given this feature takes ownership of the WAN2 logic, this means that when this feature is enabled, the use of 2 wired networks is not supported, as currently only 2 WAN connections can be used concurrently.

This means that the wired connection can only be connected to Internet port 1 or WAN 1.


When using this feature on an MX67C, this results in the port LAN2 being unusable due to the fact that LAN2 is a multi-use port that can also operate as WAN2.

When using this feature on an MX68CW, this results in the Internet 2 port being unusable.

As such, to configured an SD-WAN policy to utilize the cellular connection associate it with WAN2 as per:

Screenshot 2020-11-26 at 15.41.31.png


Does the WAN Appliance support unencrypted AutoVPN tunnels?

No, currently AutoVPN always uses AES-128 encryption for VPN tunnels.

If traffic is encrypted, what about QoS or DSCP tags?

Both QoS and DSCP tags are maintained within the encapsulated traffic and are copied over to the IPsec header.

Can a non-Meraki device be used as a VPN hub?

While it is possible to establish VPN connections between Meraki and non-Meraki devices using standard IPsec VPN, SD-WAN requires that all hub and spoke devices be Meraki WAN Appliances.

How does this inter-operate with IWAN using Cisco ISR routers?

Both products use similar, but distinct, underlying tunnelling technologies (DMVPN vs. AutoVPN). A typical hybrid solution may entail using ISR devices at larger sites and WAN Appliances at smaller offices or branches. This will require dedicated IWAN concentration for ISR, as well as a separate SD-WAN head-end for WAN Appliances, at the datacenter.

Is dual active AutoVPN available over a 3G or 4G modem?

No, 3G or 4G modem cannot be used for this purpose. While the WAN Appliance supports a range of 3G and 4G modem options, cellular uplinks are currently used only to ensure availability in the event of WAN failure and cannot be used for load balancing in conjunction with an active wired WAN connection or VPN failover scenarios.

How does SD-WAN inter-operate with warm spare (HA) at the branch?

SD-WAN can be deployed on branch WAN Appliances configured in a warm spare capacity, however, only the primary WAN Appliance will build AutoVPN tunnels and route VPN traffic.


Please see the following references for supplemental information.

Auto VPN White Paper

For further information on how Cisco Meraki's AutoVPN technology functions, please see this article

SD-WAN page

For further information on SD-WAN availability, please see our SD-WAN page.


Appendix 1: Detailed traffic flow for PbR and dynamic path selection
Complete Flowchart

The following flowchart breaks down the path selection logic of Meraki SD-WAN. This flowchart will be broken down in more detail in the subsequent sections.

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Decision Point 1: Can we establish Tunnels over both uplinks?

The very first evaluation point in SD-WAN traffic flow is whether the WAN Appliance has active AutoVPN tunnels established over both interfaces.

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When VPN tunnels are not successfully established over both interfaces, traffic is forwarded over the uplink where VPN tunnels are successfully established.

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If we can establish tunnels on both interfaces, processing proceeds to the next decision point.

Decision Point 2: Are performance rules for dynamic path selection defined?

If we can establish tunnels on both uplinks, the WAN Appliance will then check to see if any dynamic path selection rules are defined.

If dynamic path selection rules are defined, we evaluate each tunnel to determine which satisfy those rules.

Screen Shot 2015-12-11 at 12.21.25 PM (1).png

If only one VPN path satisfies our performance requirements, traffic will be sent along that VPN path. The WAN Appliance will not evaluate PbR rules if only one VPN path meets the performance rules for dynamic path selection.

Screen Shot 2015-12-11 at 12.21.38 PM (1).png

If there are multiple VPN paths that satisfy our dynamic path selection requirements or if there are no paths that satisfy the requirements, or if no dynamic path selection rules have been configured, PbR rules will be evaluated.

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After performance rules for dynamic path selection decisions are performed, the WAN Appliance evaluates the next decision point.

Decision Point 3: Are PbR rules defined?

After checking dynamic path selection rules, the WAN Appliance will evaluate PbR rules if multiple or no paths satisfied the performance requirements.

If a flow matches a configured PbR rule, then traffic will be sent using the configured path preference.

Screen Shot 2015-12-11 at 12.22.01 PM (1).png

If the flow does not match a configured PbR rule, then traffic logically progresses to the next decision point.

Decision Point 4: Is VPN load balancing configured?

After evaluating dynamic path selection and PbR rules, the WAN Appliance will evaluate whether VPN load balancing has been enabled.

Screen Shot 2015-12-11 at 12.22.07 PM (1).png

If VPN load balancing has not been enabled, traffic will be sent over a tunnel formed on the primary Internet interface. Which Internet interface is the primary can be configured from the Security & SD-WAN > Configure > SD-WAN & traffic shaping page in Dashboard.

Screen Shot 2015-12-11 at 12.22.20 PM (1).png

If load balancing is enabled, flows will be load balanced across tunnels formed over both uplinks.

Screen Shot 2015-12-11 at 12.22.29 PM (1).png

VPN load balancing uses the same load balancing methods as the WAN Appliance's uplink load balancing. Flows are sent out in a round robin fashion with weighting based on the bandwidth specified for each uplink.

MX Templates Best Practices

As a network deployment grows to span multiple sites, managing individual devices can become highly cumbersome and unnecessary. To help alleviate these operating costs, the Meraki WAN Appliance offers the use of templates to quickly roll out new site deployments and make changes in bulk.

This guide will outline how to create and use WAN Appliance templates on the dashboard.

It should be noted that service providers or deployments that rely heavily on network management via API are encouraged to consider cloning networks instead of using templates, as the API options available for cloning currently provide more granular control than the API options available for templates.

Planning a Template Deployment for WAN Appliances

Before rolling out a template deployment (or enabling templates on a production network), it may be helpful to plan the "units" that make up your deployments. This involves asking questions such as:

  • What are my sites? (e.g. retail location, school, branch office, etc.)

  • Are the WAN Appliances going to be in HA?

  • Do I need local overrides?

Template Networks

A "site" in network deployment terms is usually the same as a "network" in dashboard terms; each site gets its own dashboard network. As such, when planning multiple sites to be configured the same way, they will share a template network.

A template network is a network configuration that is shared by multiple sites/networks. Individual site networks can be bound to a template network, so changes to the template will trickle down to all bound sites. A new network can also be created based on a template, making it easy to spin-up new sites of the same type.

When planning a template deployment, you should have one template network for each type of site.


The following sections walk through the configuration and use of WAN Appliance templates in the dashboard.

Creating a Template Network

As outlined above, a template network should be created for each type of site to be deployed.

To create a template network:

  1. In the dashboard, navigate to Organization > Monitor > Configuration templates

  2. Choose Create a new template

  3. Select a descriptive name for your template. If this is a completely new template, select Create new

    • If this template should be based on an existing network, select Copy settings from and select an existing Security appliance network from the drop-down menu.

  4. Choose Add:


MX Template.png


  1. If you would like to bind existing networks to this new template, select those networks as Target networks and choose Bind. Otherwise, choose Close.

Template VLAN Configuration
  1. In the dashboard, navigate to Security & SD-WAN > Configure > Addressing & VLANs

  2. Under Routing section, LAN setting sub-section click VLANs 

  3.  Choose Add VLAN under Subnets sub-section

  4. Select a descriptive name for your VLAN

  5. Choose whether the subnetting should be Same or Unique for every network bound to this template.

    • If Same is chosen, all the networks bound to the template will share the exact same subnet. This is not eligible for site-to-site VPNs.

    • If Unique is chosen, each network bound to the template will get a unique subnet based on the configured options. The MX does allow local VLAN overrides on templates, however, the chosen subnet needs to be from the same subnet pool assigned to the VLAN on the template and you can't override the VLAN ID. 

      • Subnets are assigned randomly to each network bound to the template.


Template-VLAN1.png           Template-VLAN2.png


For more information about template IP range VLAN allocation, reference our article on Managing Networks with Configuration Templates.

Template Static Routes


In template-based WAN Appliance deployments, static routes can be configured on the parent template and passed to child networks like other configuration parameters.  The procedure for configuring a template-based static route is almost identical to the procedure for a regular network, with the exception of how next-hop IP addresses are defined as the next-hop value may be network specific.

  1. In the dashboard, navigate to Security & SD-WAN > Configure > Addressing & VLANs > Routing > Static Routes

  2. Choose Add Static Route

  • Name  

    • Text description for the static route(not parsed)

      • Ex: prodWirelessNet

  • Subnet 

    • Subnet reachable via static route specified in CIDR notation

      • Ex:  

  • Next Hop IP

    • Next-hop IP is the IP address of the device that connects the WAN Appliance to this route.  There are two methods for specifying next-hop values on template-based networks. 

      • Option A: IP Assignment

        • Manually define next-hop value

        • Required Info: 

          • Next-hop IP address

      • Option B: IP offset

        • Calculate next-hop IP based on network address for specified VLAN 

          • NOTE: Next Hop IP will be calculated as Network Address + Offset and not VLAN Interface IP + Offset

        • IP offset parameters: 

          • Select the desired VLAN from the dropdown

          • Offset value (a positive integer) 

        • Example:

          • VLAN configured:

          • VLAN Interface IP:

          • Offset: 2 

          • Calculated route next-hop IP:

  • Active 

    • The active modifier controls conditions that must be met for the WAN Appliance to deem the route usable and add the route to the local routing table. 

      • Always

        • The route will always be active in WAN Appliance's routing table 

      • While next-hop responds to ping

        • The route is available as long as the configured next hop is responding to pings

      • While host responds to ping:

        • The route is available as long as the configured host is responding to pings



Template Firewall Rules

When configuring layer 3 firewall rules, CIDR notation, as well as the VLAN name, can be used. The VLAN name is used when the entire subnet needs to be specified whereas CIDR notation is used when more flexibility is needed to specify the subnets.


  1. Go to Security & SD-WAN > Configure > Firewall > Layer 3, click Add a rule

  2. Choose the policy, specify if the rule matched should be allowed or denied

  3. Select the protocol to match in outbound traffic

  4. Specify the IP address or range using CIDR notation to match the outbound traffic. Note that also the name of the VLAN can be chosen as well

  5. Choose the Src/dst port to match in outbound traffic


Screen Shot 2018-07-06 at 12.05.59 PM.png

Template SD-WAN Policies
  1. SD-WAN policies can be configured to control and modify the flows for specific VPN traffic. You can have a specific type of traffic go over one Uplink over the other. 

  2. Go to Security & SD-WAN > Configure > SD-WAN & traffic shaping > SD-WAN policies > VPN traffic, and choose Add a preference

  3. You'll be prompted with the Uplink selection policy dialog box. From this box, you can define the type of traffic that should adhere to the policy on the Traffic filters section. You can either add Custom expressions to select traffic based on Protocol/Source/Destination criteria, or you can select traffic based on pre-defined applications. 

    • To add a custom expression to select traffic. 

      • Choose Add +

      • The Custom expressions option should already be selected.

      • Choose the Protocol. You can choose either TCP, UDP, ICMP or Any

      • Choose Source to define the source address criteria. You can select one of the following: 

        • You can choose Any

        • You can type in the source in CIDR format( eg:, and then choose Add

        • You can choose a VLAN from the drop-down menu with the list of VLANs and then choose Add VLAN

        • You can choose a VLAN from the drop-down menu with the list of VLANs and then click Host, type in the last octet of the host address, then choose on Add host

      • Choose the Src port. The Source port could be 'Any', a port number (eg: 2000), or a port range (eg: 2000-3000) within 1-65535.

      • Click Destination to define the source address criteria. You can select one of the following: 

        • You can choose Any

        • You can type in the source in CIDR format( eg:, and then choose Add

        • You can choose a VLAN from the drop-down menu with the list of VLANs and then choose Add VLAN

        • You can choose a VLAN from the drop-down menu with the list of VLANs and then choose Host, type in the last octet of the host address, then choose Add host

      • Choose the Dst port. The Destination port could be 'Any', a port number (eg: 2000), or a port range (eg: 2000-3000) within 1-65535.

    •  To add a pre-defined application to select traffic.

      • Select the application type from the menu and then the interesting application in question from the sub-menu (e.g., VoIP & video conferencing > Webex)

      • Add all the applications which you want them to adhere to the policy and then choose Add+ to exit the applications menu

  4. Under the Policy section, you can select one of the following as the Preferred uplink

    • WAN1 or WAN2. If you choose WAN1 or WAN2, you'll have the opportunity to configure failover criteria under Fail over if drop-down menu. You can select either Poor performance and then choose one of the performance classes from the Performance class drop-down menu or you can choose Uplink down.  By default, VoIP is the only pre-defined performance class. Any additional performance classes have to be defined under Security & SD-WAN > Configure > SD-WAN & traffic shaping > SD-WAN policies > Custom performance classes.

    • Best for VoIP. The uplink that is best for VoIP traffic will be chosen.

    • Load balance. The WAN Appliance will balance traffic across the uplinks that meet the performance class selected from On uplinks that meet performance class drop-down menu.

    • Global preference. The uplink will be chosen based on the configuration under Security & SD-WAN > Configure > SD-WAN & traffic shaping > Uplink selection > Global preferences. 

    • Global bandwidth limits. When configuring this setting, keep in mind that the MX will apply and return the speed settings configured here at the template level as opposed to the network level. This may not reflect the affected device's hardware capabilities. Refer to for more information

  5. Once you are done with configuring the criteria to apply the policy and the policy, choose Save


The "add host" button under Security & SD-WAN> Configure > Traffic shaping > Flow preferences, gives an option to enter a value between 1-254. The following seems to be the expected behavior:

If we have a subnet /26 from, there would be 4 possible 4th octets: x.x.x.0/26 = .0-.63
x.x.x.64/26 = .64-.127
x.x.x.128/26 = .128-.191
x.x.x.192/26 = .192-.255

Since the template needs to be applicable to ALL networks tied to it, it uses an offset.
If we were to specify the .1 host, this would be the equivalent of .1, .65, .129, and .193 depending on the given network tied to the template.

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Screen Shot 2018-07-06 at 12.24.48 PM.png

Local Overrides

Once a WAN Appliance network has been bound to a template, some options can still be configured normally through the dashboard. Any local configuration changes made directly on the WAN Appliance network will override the template configuration.

In the example below, the bound WAN Appliance was directly configured to have a custom Default VLAN. This change can be made in the template network, under Security & SD-WAN > Configure > Addressing & VLANs:


Screen Shot 2018-07-06 at 12.57.08 PM.png


If a network is removed from a template, local overrides will automatically be lost as well as any template related configuration. The WAN Appliance will automatically get the configuration from the network it is on.


Note: Auto VPN hubs should not be added to templates at all. It is not possible to configure a WAN Appliance as a spoke with an exit hub that is part of a template.

Note: Static Route local overrides are not supported at this moment for WAN Appliance networks bound to templates.


DHCP Exceptions

The Meraki WAN Appliance provides a fully-featured DHCP service that can be enabled and configured on each VLAN individually. When bound to a template, local overrides can be made to the DHCP configurations under Security & SD-WAN > Configure > DHCP.


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Forwarding Rules Overrides

To override forwarding rules, navigate under Security & SD-WAN > Configure > Firewall > Forwarding rules overrides.

Screen Shot 2018-07-06 at 2.03.39 PM.png


Active-Active AutoVPN

To override the uplink selection rules for Active-Active AutoVPN, navigate to Security & SD-WAN > Configure > SD-WAN & traffic shaping  > Active-Active AutoVPN.



Templates with MXs of Different Port Counts

Port numbering can differ between MX models, which can cause confusion when assigning a configuration to a specific port number in a template. For example, a configuration on LAN 2 in a template doesn't affect any ports on an MX65.

The table presented at Port Mapping for different MXs models outlines template port numbers and their corresponding physical port on some MX models.

You can toggle the LAN2 port between LAN and Internet, through Uplink configuration under the Local status tab on the Local Status Page.

Client VPN

To manage client VPN users, navigate under Network-wide > Configure > Users



Note: To manage Client VPN users across all networks bound to a template, you can do so in the User Management section of the Security & SD-WAN > Client VPN page of said template. If you would like to manage Client VPN users for a specific network bound to that template, you can do so in the Network-wide > Configure > Users page of that network

For more detailed guidance on the above Client VPN setup, please refer to the Client VPN Overview document. 

Performing MX Templates Firmware Upgrades

Firmware upgrades scheduled on the template will automatically be applied to the child networks’ network local timezone.


As a best practice, make sure that each MX has the correct local time zone configuration under Security & SD-WAN > Configure > General.


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WAN Appliance Replacement Walkthrough

Below are instructions for how to copy configurations from a failed WAN Appliane bound to a template.

  1. On the Organization > Configure > Inventory page, claim the new WAN Appliance.

  2. Navigate to the network that has the faulty WAN Appliance and remove it under Security & SD-WAN > Monitor > Appliance Status > Remove appliance from network

  3. Add the replacement WAN Appliance to the same network by navigating to Network-wide > Configure > Add devices

  4. Select the network and choose Add devices.


For more information on replacing a WAN Appliance, refer to our MX Cold Swap article.


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